
WWE名人堂成员Jim Ross最近在他的播客“Grilling JR”上谈到了各种职业摔跤话题,包括MJF-Bryan Danielson在革命AEW锦标赛中的钢铁侠比赛:


“MJF在那场比赛中超出了我的预期。他拼命工作。他使自己的身材变得很好。他有所准备。布莱恩·丹尼尔森(Bryan Danielson)作为这场比赛的队长值得高度赞扬,他确保了MJF获得了物质上的,身体上的,语言上的,情感上的物质上的,以维持比赛。毫无疑问,这需要一个团队的努力,我认为这些球员得分很高。因为再一次,让我们记住这些事情的常识。他们要走一个小时。我们知道,人们也已经看到,当我说一切,我指的是几乎一切。所以你该如何遵循这一原则,投入观众的1个小时时间呢?”

“我在网上看到的都是关于这场比赛的好东西和反馈。我只是觉得太棒了。真的。我为他们感到骄傲。这给了我信心,我们几乎没有看到最好的冠军。他会好起来的。他年轻,聪明。他是26岁。他会没事的。我想这应该能消除疑虑,如果有的话,他不只是一个伟大的喉舌。 We know he’s a great talker, but we saw he had another side of him, an athletic side of him, that I was very, very impressed with, and what more can you say about Bryan Danielson for God’s sake? We say this on television, and I know part of its hype, that he’s the best wrestler, pure pro wrestler in the world. I think he is.”


“我认为这只是一种反应。我认为这是本能。麦克斯把自己想象成一个鞋跟。他做得太过分了。你不能那样做。我想他现在明白了。这只是一种情绪反应。他周围都是不喜欢他的人。在这种情况下,你会给自己带来很多紧张和压力,但如果你是一个高跟鞋,你就不想有其他任何方式。但把饮料泼到那孩子脸上就太过分了。 He shouldn’t have done it and he just reacted. He reacted, and he reacted in a negative way, and he made the wrong choice. But to me, it didn’t take away from the match. After the fact, it becomes more of an issue because like right now, you and I are talking about it. I think it was just a natural heel reaction that got the best of Max.”

关于Jon Moxley -刽子手页德州死亡比赛在AEW革命中是否有太多的血,Ross说:

“我喜欢它,因为我理解德州死亡竞赛的概念。他们不漂亮。他们会被轰动。可以说,你得到了使用这些玩具的全权委托。所以对于它是什么,它是如何被预定的,它提供了它需要提供的东西。它是清晰、生动、引人注目的吗?的确如此。但我没想到会是别的什么,尤其是有莫克斯利带头。你知道德州死亡比赛中的血就像花生酱和果冻。所以它们是在一起的。 It didn’t bother me. I thought those guys worked their asses off. The first thing I’ve always looked back at is effort and desire. Did you give me the effort and with the desire that was noticeable and sellable and relatable? I say those guys did all three of those things. It was really good in that regard based on what it was booked to be. It wasn’t anything but a street fight type thing, stuff that if you did it outside the building, you’d be arrested for. So I had no problem with it.”


(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)