吉姆·罗斯对Ace Steel从AEW中释放的反应

据PW伟德国际官方网站Mania.com此前报道,精英队在2022年AEW Out PPV比赛后与CM Punk发生了争执,当时雄鹿队和肯尼·欧米加“冲进”CM Punk的更衣室。



“他是个聪明人。他有丰富的产品知识。坚实的手。我觉得他干得不错。我并没有经常和他直接合作。我在电视上见过他,他总是很友好,平易近人。我很遗憾听到这个,因为我认为他的牌很好,干得很好。事情总有解决的办法,你不能说不,但我一直觉得他为我们做得很好。他对CM·庞克非常忠诚,这没什么错,他们是好兄弟。我猜是CM朋克帮艾斯·斯蒂尔找到了工作。 I don’t know where all of that is going. I hate to see anybody lose a job, lose a paycheck. While he was there, he seemed to be a viable asset, but again, I didn’t work with him directly. I didn’t have any issues, pro or con, with him. The bottom line is, another guy lost his job. That’s what’s regrettable. He’s got skills. I would think, if given a fair shake within the landscape of wrestling in general, he’ll find some work. Smart guy. I hope it works out well. I regret that anybody, anywhere in wrestling, loses their job.”

(h/t由Jeremy Lambert抄写)