
在最近一期的《烧烤JR》节目中,主持人吉姆·罗斯(Jim Ross)讨论了他在从癌症治疗造成的创伤中恢复方面取得的进展。

“我还在处理这该死的伤口,”罗斯说。“这些伤口护理人员是认真的。我第一次去看诊的时候我以为大概要30分钟。整整三个小时。这是精神上发生的事情。你有三个小时考虑你的命运。如果他们发现癌症复发了怎么办?如果什么?如果什么?如果什么? So it’s very unsettling to say the least. Then you get the news. ‘Well, it’s probably gonna take six more months of healing.'”

罗斯继续说:“他们想让我做高压氧舱,但这有个问题。他们想每天都这么做。我说,‘我不能每天都这么做。我就是做不到。我的工作。我有工作。我在职业上做了承诺,我要遵守和遵守。“这不是把工作看得比健康更重要的问题。听起来是这样。如果我不工作,我就会同意他们的计划。但还是要用四个月的高压氧舱。 So he’s going to try to treat it without using the hyperbaric chamber or whatever it’s called and we’ll see how it goes. I have an issue here. I didn’t plan on it. I have an issue here that we just got to address. I told the doctor, ‘We have to be creative doc. We can’t just get in the rut of this how you do this. There’s got to be other options. He said, ‘Well, there are some other options.’ Let’s explore them.”


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