



“我喜欢长的故事和你说实话,真的没有任何关系与科迪和它一样讲故事。追逐,他可以开始,如果处理得当,可以为科迪和WWE非常成功。战斗,战斗,赚钱的机会就像他刚和他在一个标题匹配类型的事情。现在我会喜欢看到科迪对他个人的精神修养赢得冠军?绝对的。我是科迪的球迷。但我喜欢他们会让他赚到如此说话,并获得在这个旅程。你知道海曼和公司将有一百万个路障,它会涉及到很多不同的字符。它会给很多人一个摩擦,就像他们说的。所以我没有问题。 I know a lot of people did, and I can understand that. If they would have gone the other way and Cody had gone over, I’d have been happy, but I think it was not a disaster for Cody to not win the title because it gives them a potential story that has a a very, potentially anyway, a very long arc, and easy to understand, easy to follow storyline that all roads will eventually lead back, no pun intended on the roads, but all roads will eventually lead back to Roman Reigns and and Cody somewhere. If it were me, I know where it’d be. It would be at WrestleMania next year. After everything he’s gone through, blah, blah, blah,after coming close last year and he’s overcome, overcome, overcome, finally, the day has come for the rematch. So that’s one idea. That’s just a matter of using smart booking. That’s my take on that deal. I know a lot of people were pissed off. I understand the disappointment. I’m not even criticizing it whatsoever. I just think this long term arc to get him back to the promised land is the way to go. It’s good storytelling, especially for a company that produces five hours of big time live television a week with three hours of RAW and two hours of SmackDown. They need stories. They need stories that have a direction and a purpose and a reason, and certainly, there’s plenty of reason to promote the eventual return match.”


我真是佩服托尼汗是足够的勇气愿意把严重的钱投资在推动这个巨大的场地。我希望机票顺利。我喜欢他们是如何做的门票销售。人注册,他们试图让每个人都得到一个公平的票。我不认为这将是一个问题。我不知道什么预测到将会有多少人。我不知道的能力将是摔跤,但这是一个伟大的举动。我们成长。我想他会放在一起的卡片。我认为,这是我和我的老学校预订帽子,你需要引进一些新朋友,我认为这是伟大的公司。 I hope we make money on it. I think we will. It’ll give these talents a chance to see going from Daley’s Place to Wembley Stadium. That’s a hell of a journey. So I’m pulling for everybody to have their best preparation. The card will be outstanding. When you got to book one card, and you got this list of names, you got to wonder how many names are going to be added to that list that weren’t previously there. I think that’s important. I think you got to have something new. Even if it’s a one off, so be it. I’m excited about this.”




“嗯,你知道,他自己的。我在一个情况下,和我们之前讨论过这个问题。这是一个独特的独处。是一个独特的与你,你的生活伴侣不是说到1月,所以我工作,因为我仍然爱职业摔跤和我喜欢每周去某个地方。迈克尔的情况不同。他有一个家庭在家里。他有一个美好的妻子。我相信他救了他的现金。他总是很节俭,很好。我不知道他会去多久,但我不认为这是一个向我射击。 Look, when I was his age, I would have never thought that good old JR would be doing a weekly show at 71 years old. Not many have done this. I do it for my own mental health and I do it because I love it. This is gonna sound horrible, but I still think I’m pretty damn good at it, at least I try to be. I didn’t look at it as a personal thing whatsoever. I like Michael. He’s a good friend. We exchange texts from time to time. When I hear him do something I think is really, really good, I’ll let him know because that’s what we all should do in our business.”


(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)