

“我相信人才,所有的人才都应该得到持续的医疗检查。换句话说,重要的事情知道:比平常更多的血液常规工作,但是每一个星期。我们需要检查一下。我认为他们每周检查。但是我们在周三AEW应该检查每一个人。血压,好东西是你能做简单的。只是检查和平衡,并保持记录。任何优柔寡断或改变应该注意。但我不认为类固醇是…看,它是一种表演艺术。这不是NFL,我不太确定它即使在NFL屎。 It has the same negative baggage that marijuana has. It has not been accepted widely, mass appeal… it has not been accepted widely enough to get that, ‘Ok, it’s alright.’ Now the marijuana issues are becoming that way because States are saying that legalized marijuana… and look, there’s a lot of issues that come with that. I get it folks. I get it, but the bottom line as Stone Cold would say is a lot of money is going to the bottom line of these State coffers that need the money for school books and things of that nature. As long as that money is being put to good use for the children and educating our people for one thing and for health care, things of that nature, then hell yeah. Let’s create new money, new revenue.”
