
如何“好Ole jr“这些天做什么?

肿胀后他的眼睛关闭之前由于采取一跤AEW & NJPW:禁止门2,吉姆·罗斯一直在中断从所有精英摔跤。伟德bevidtor



每天他是如何变得更好因为他的秋天,然后开始分享的故事发生了什么:“我感觉很好。我每天都变得更好。我只是一连串的厄运,健康明智的,这对我来说是很不寻常的,因为敲木头,我非常幸运地拥有健康。但当你是71,你想一个年轻人的生活在一个年轻人每周的业务,走在路上,它可以非常具有挑战性的。这就是我的发现自己在这种情况下。但是发生了什么,这是一个地狱的一个故事,至少对我来说。我起身就像很多其他的人,我不得不去洗手间在半夜的时候,所以我还是跳下床去浴室,显然我CPAP绳绊倒。当我做,我努力我的床上,旁边的茶几和角打在这里的某个地方。所以我有一个巨大的立即结,眼睛肿几乎立即关闭。但是我太困了,所以,我在床上刚回来。 I think I actually went to the bathroom. Mother Nature won that match, and then I got back in bed.”

在第二天早上头疼,但不让阻止他前往芝加哥的碰撞以及他后来意识到他遭遇了脑震荡:“第二天早上,当我醒来的时候,这是我的航班到芝加哥去做第一个节目,碰撞,这就是我在思考。我醒来的时候,我有一个变态的头痛,但好,头疼不是要保持小失去工作。但是我有严重的头痛,这是一个激动的结果,我唯一的想法是,‘我要完成包装和上路。”这就是我做的,但我很不稳定。一切都很模糊,我一直呆在家里更好,但执着和固执,我觉得我有一个承诺,我做,我想实现。所以我穿好衣服,而慢慢的,和我的司机,他知道我不是站在那里准备好,楼上来我住的地方。但是我在楼下等待,和地面上有点不稳定,飞往芝加哥。随着时间的继续在芝加哥,我的声音不停地进出,我不知道那是地狱。我想,‘哦,我会克服它的。我会喝很多热茶或热咖啡或热的东西,和为我工作。但这只是太多的去克服,我道歉我怎么听起来。我不倾向于声音,听起来我不想这样,我知道我让很多人失望了。 I disappointed me. I don’t think it made anybody in AEW real happy how I sounded, but I was doing the best that I could. So after that show was over, I went back to the announcers’ locker room, where we all dress, and I sat there for a little bit and I thought, ‘Man, I can’t keep doing this. I don’t feel good. Something’s not right. I got here, I did the best that I could. But boy, I need to get home.’ So good old Rafael Morffi, who’s taken care of me so much on the road over the years, helped me get back to the hotel. I tucked myself in, and I didn’t even get undressed that night. I wanted to make sure I could not waste any time making the flight the next morning. So I flew home, headache and all, and I’ve been here ever since. I’ve been out of the house a few times to go to the grocery store, maybe two or three times in the last few weeks. Other than that, I’ve got people that are helping me get groceries or whatever I need, prescriptions, things like that. But I was too unsteady to drive, and sure as hell too unsteady to walk around a grocery store. So I had my housekeeper buy me a little cane, which I’m embarrassed to say I’ve used a little bit, not outside, but here in the house to help me get around so I don’t have any more falls.”

如何他没有返回的日期,但托尼汗和他非常善良和耐心:“我很幸运我醒了。我很幸运我没有流血,因为我有很多血在我的枕头。我必须战斗,并通过它自从我一直战斗。脑震荡是一个问题。我工作在我们的书。我得到一份手稿我们已经写在这里,我一直在试图让它读它,但是我没能看到一只眼睛足够好。所以我回到轨道。我想拿回了这笔交易,但就回去在路上,我没有返回日期。托尼·汗的很好就把所有你需要的时间,如果你想休息几个星期或者夏天,不管你想要做什么,只是获得健康。所以我很欣赏他的宽容我,他鼓励我的健康,因为这是最主要的,让我们大开眼界。 There’s nothing more important than our health. So many times, we take it for granted, and I have for years. So I’m gonna be a little bit more aware of my health, I’m gonna be a little bit more aware of how I take care of myself, but in the meantime, I’ve been here at home.”


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