


在批评人AEW越过黑暗炸药阶段:“就好像我们创造了这个惊人的罪恶永远无法复制的。嘿,男人。70年代以来,有多少比赛你想我叫绝对毛毛雨s * * ts ?每个品牌和一些大的名字——你不是要一个未知的面具下,s * * t床上。你知道,我知道,群众没有发疯我们如何去,因为当时我也在场。你能感觉到这些事情。如果你做了足够长的时间,你可以感受到很多东西的人群,他们的身体语言和噪音他们和他们的面部表情。有故事被告知的市场研究的关注。但是我从不知道如何糟糕,一块业务,直到它无处不在。很多人想要真正确保我真的看到它。 As if I could go back in time or fix it, or I could pile on. It was poorly-executed, folks. And hopefully nothing like that will ever occur again. And I know everybody that has some ability to change things in AEW are well aware of it. So you know, I don’t know what to say other than, if I had not seen that clip that went viral as you mentioned, Conrad, I would not have known just how bad it was.”

段本身:“嘿,不是一个好办法——不是一个理想的路你要走了。但神见鬼的人,来吧,各位。我爱我们所做的。我是一个职业摔跤的家伙。比大多数人想象或永远的梦想。也许我应该多有时候,坦率地说。我应该多样化。但我不是在推特上躲在键盘,是一个大坏蛋或者自称摔跤专家。“这是他们应该做什么。我将讨论这个播客。 Here’s what we’ll suggest.’ Okay well, whatever. I wonder if those guys that are doing that are actually suggesting these ideas to the right people in AEW, or if they’re just broadcasting their own s**t so they can get some clicks. I don’t know that. Anybody know the answer to that? I don’t know.”

从那一刻AEW改善:“所以我认为一切人们看到可以固定。我一样兴奋这个品牌。我知道我们会很好。我真的相信,康拉德。不只是我牛* *挺。我67岁了一项为期三年的合同。你自己算吧。我在后九洞,宝贝。我不打算外出在后九洞不到我想要的。我感觉,我所需要的东西。 So we’re gonna be fine. It’s gonna take some time. So the question is, how much time? I don’t know. I don’t know that answer. It could, I think in a year from now we’ll be able to see a lot of things change, a lot of different faces in different roles. New talents coming in. But it’s a hard act to balance to keep your incumbents so to speak over, while getting other talents over. So it’s a hell of a deal. But we’ll be fine, I really believe that. And I was embarrassed to see what I saw. Did I like it? Hell no, I didn’t like it. Who could like it? For God’s sake. So I’ll just admit to all of you. I thought it was the drizzling s**ts. So that’ll be your buzzwords to get your clicks on your websites. ‘JR Says [that segment] On AEW Was the Drizzling S**ts.’ And you won’t mention this, but the drizzling s**ts can be cured. They won’t mention it, I guarantee you. Because they don’t have the balls.”