
JBL最近出现在bust Open Radio (H/T to摔跤公司在节目中,他谈到了那些批评WWE运营“皇冠宝石”的人的虚伪。WWE将于2018年11月2日在沙特阿拉伯利雅得的沙特国王大学体育场举行这项赛事,并将在WWE网络上播出。



“我认为(WWE因继续推出《王冠宝石》而受到批评)非常不公平。我的意思是,你看看现在世界上发生了什么。俄罗斯有诺维乔克毒药。他们是唯一制造过它的公司。他们显然是在英国杀了这个人。他们毒害了另一个人。有几个人中毒了。显然是俄罗斯。世界杯还在那里举行,人们也没有抵制世界杯。看看中国发生了什么。 And, by the way, 65 reports last year were killed globally, around the globe right now. Not to diminish what happened, [but] this is a direct violation of the Magnitsky Act. It says that the USA is going to have to put some type of sanctions upon Saudi Arabia, which they should. They should deal with this issue, but you think about what’s going on with the Uyghurs in the Xingjiang province in China, what’s going on with the Tibetans in China, the human rights violations, yet you go to the Olympics there and people say, ‘oh, this is so great!’ Everybody’s going to China. There [are] human rights violations everywhere and I’m not diminishing that. I’m not diminishing the fact that you should deal with it. “Look at the United States! We have incarceration [rates]… this isn’t whataboutism, but this is a one-for-one correlation. We have a mass incarceration among minorities that is disproportionate to our population. It’s a travesty what’s going on with our mass incarceration specifically of minorities. Yet, we still do business in the United States. You can’t change certain things just by not going there. WWE, from what I understand, has a contract with Saudi Arabia. WWE, to me, if you want to promote change, you let these guys go.” JBL explained, “no one else is treated like this. You didn’t do this with the World Cup. You didn’t do it with the Olympics. But all-of-a-sudden, you’re going after WWE. I think it’s easy fodder. It’s hard going after the World Cup. It’s hard going after the Olympics.”

