对驱动器结果的影响- 2022年11月18日

(图片来源:Impact Wrestling)

对驱动器结果的影响- 2022年11月18日


Josh Lopez抄写


铃响后,穆斯给了他一记低击。驼鹿矛霸。慕斯把多张桌子推到擂台上。恶霸矛驼鹿。欺凌转变为地面和重击攻击。驼鹿在恶霸的背后打了一拳。驼鹿先把恶霸的脸打到钢圈柱子上。穆斯对观众说话粗鲁。驼鹿想要一个垂直的Suplex,但Bully阻止了它。驼鹿式前臂重击。 Bully with a Counter Vertical Suplex on the floor. Bully rolls Moose back into the ring. Bully bodyslams Moose. Bully with a Falling HeadButt. Bully plays to the crowd. Bully sets up a table in the corner. Moose with multiple chair shots. Bully blocks The Uranage Slam.

欺凌与释放德国Suplex。恶霸用凶狠的椅子横穿驼鹿的后背。小霸王想要天王星的猛击,但是慕斯挡住了。驼鹿钉欺凌与泵踢。恶霸用一记后肘重击重击驼鹿。恶霸用直右手。驼鹿用一个站立式踢球回应。驼鹿去顶绳飓风,但霸凌反击雪崩威力炸弹。Bully和Moose在互相射击。驼鹿前臂颤抖。 Moose denies The Bully Bomb. Moose with a back elbow smash. Moose goes for a SpringBoard Crossbody Block, but Bully counters with The 3D. Moose side steps Bully through the table in the corner. Bully reverses out of the irish whip from Moose. Bully Spears Moose through a table to pickup the victory.

获奖者:Bully Ray


塔亚·瓦尔基里和塔莎·斯蒂尔兹会先来。瓦尔基里拍了拍斯蒂尔兹的额头。斯蒂尔兹派面对瓦尔基里。女武神用双腿击倒对手。女武神转换为地面和重击攻击。瓦尔基里把斯蒂尔兹送到角落。瓦尔基里与跑步臀部攻击。女武神标记在Havok。Havok用“尸体雪崩”夷平了Steelz。瓦尔基里和角落的晾衣绳。 Havok with a Side Walk Slam for a two count. Valkyrie launches Steelz across the ring. Steelz tags in Evans. Double Chokehold. Forearm Exchange. Short-Arm Reversal by Evans. Havok ducks a clothesline from Evans. Havok with a Roundhouse Kick. Havok bodyslams Steelz. Havok with a Running Leg Drop for a two count. Havok tags in Valkyrie. Double Irish Whip. Double Elbow Knockdown. Double Hip Smash for a two count. Valkyrie applies a front face lock. Evans HeadButts Valkyrie. Evans drops Valkyrie with The Big Boot. Evans is raining down haymakers. Evans slams Valkyrie’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Evans tags in Steelz.

斯蒂尔兹反复践踏瓦尔基里的胸部。斯蒂尔兹把瓦尔基里鞭打到绞刑架上。斯蒂尔兹用一个跑动的肘击。Steelz和Step Up Enzuigiri。在一个滚动的猛马接球后,斯蒂尔兹打出了一记底踢,数到二。斯蒂尔兹用后下巴锁住。斯蒂尔兹把瓦尔基里拉到垫子上。斯蒂尔兹摔腿。女武神身上有大量的子弹。斯蒂尔兹用棍棒击打瓦尔基里的背部。切交换。 Steelz tags in Evans. Evans with clubbing shoulder blocks. Evans punches Valkyrie in the chest. Evans is choking Valkyrie in the corner. Steelz attacks Valkyrie behind the referee’s back. Valkyrie is displaying her fighting spirit. Valkyrie thrust kicks the midsection of Evans. Valkyrie with a knee lift. Valkyrie clotheslines Evans.

斯蒂尔兹给了哈沃克一记低击。斯蒂尔兹和埃文斯在瓦尔基里集合。裁判提醒斯蒂尔茨,她不是拳击场上合法的竞争者。女武神前臂颤抖。瓦尔基里避开回旋踢。瓦尔基里踢了埃文斯的脸。斯蒂尔兹和哈沃克已经就位。Havok躲开了泵踢。Havok打出一连串右拳。Havok用仿生肘干掉了Steelz。 Havok bodyslams Steelz. Havok HeadButts Evans. Havok with a Running Double Crossbody Splash for a two count. Havok drives her knee into the midsection of Steelz. Havok kicks the left hamstring of Steelz. Havok with another Roundhouse Kick for a two count. Valkyrie knocks Evans off the apron. Steelz decks Havok with a JawBreaker. Steelz with The Rolling Elbow. Steelz taunts Havok. Havok denies The SpringBoard Cutter. Valkyrie with a Running Boot. Havok connects with The Sick Driver to pickup the victory.

获胜者:Still IMPACT击倒世界Tag Team冠军,The Death Dolls via Pinfall


衣领和肘部打结。腕锁交换。米奇用深臂拖拽。王尔德用了一把锤子锁。米基腰锁在后面。米基用侧锁头接管。王尔德用剪刀锁住脖子来回应。米奇跳回到垂直的底座上。米基抓住一个侧面的头锁。王尔德抽打着米奇穿过拳击台。 Mickie drops Wilde with a shoulder tackle. Mickie cartwheels over Wilde. Arm-Drag Exchange. Wilde with a side headlock takeover of her own. Mickie wraps her legs around Wilde’s neck. Wilde applies another side headlock. Mickie sends Wilde into the ropes. Wilde with a shoulder tackle. Wilde poses for the crowd. Wilde cartwheels over Mickie. Misfired Hip Tosses. Mickie with a Monkey Flip. Double Dropkick. That leads us to a quick standoff in the center of the ring. Wilde with a single leg takedown. Wilde sends Mickie to the corner. Mickie decks Wilde with a back elbow smash. Mickie with a Hurricanrana. Wilde ducks a clothesline from Mickie. Wilde with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover.

前臂交换。王尔德用了一个腰锁。米基把王尔德赶出了拳击场。Mickie邀请王尔德回到擂台。王尔德把米奇拉出了擂台。王尔德一再把米基逼回到环形围裙上。王尔德把米基推回拳台。王尔德钩住外侧腿,数到二。王尔德和渔夫小屋,数两下。王尔德站在米奇的膝盖后面。 Wilde applies The Romero Special. Wilde escaped the brief pinning predicament she was in. Mickie with forearm shivers. Mickie sends Wilde to the corner. Wilde side steps Mickie into the turnbuckles. Wilde with a BackBreaker for a two count. Wilde with an elbow drop. Wilde applies a rear chin lock. Wilde punches Mickie in the back. Chop/Forearm Exchange. Wilde continues to punch Mickie int he back. Wilde whips Mickie across the ring.

Mickie和Lou Thez Press。米基转变为地面和重击攻击。米奇躲开王尔德的晾衣绳。戴着领带的米基。米基踢了王尔德的肚子。王尔德否认The Mick ' DT。汇总交流。王尔德膝盖着地。Mickie用The Flapjack回应。王尔德让米基坐在顶端的螺丝扣上。 Wilde with two forearms. Wilde kicks Mickie in the face. Mickie sends Wilde chest first into the canvas. Wilde avoids The Flying Seated Senton. Wilde with a Running Single Leg Dropkick. Wilde hits The Wilde Ride for a two count. Wilde applies The Camel Clutch. Mickie ducks a clothesline from Wilde. Mickie with a Spinning Back Kick. Mickie with a Pump Knee Strike. Wilde blocks The Mick Kick. Wilde applies a waist lock. Mickie decks Wilde with a back elbow smash. Mickie connects with The Mick ‘DT to pickup the victory. After the match, Deonna Purrazzo comes down to the ring. Purrazzo calls Mickie a selfish bitch. She calls this Last Rodeo a complete ego trip. Purrazzo is looking forward to ending Mickie’s career.

获奖者:Mickie James via Pinfall

第四场比赛:HEATH & Rhino (c) vs The Major Players For The IMPACT World Tag Team Championship

雷诺和布莱恩·迈尔斯会先来。衣领和肘部打结。犀牛战胜了迈尔斯。腕锁交换。麦尔斯的致命一击。迈尔斯前臂重击。迈尔斯踢了雷诺的肚子。迈尔斯一巴掌打在雷诺的后脑勺上。雷诺用肩膀铲倒了迈尔斯。雷诺把迈尔斯的头猛撞在车顶扣垫上。 Rhino with a knife edge chop. Rhino tags in Heath. Double Irish Whip. Double Elbow Knockdown for a one count. Myers tags in Cardona. Heath with a Hip Toss. Heath with a flying forearm smash. Heath applies a wrist lock. Cardona with a forearm smash. Cardona tags in Myers. Myers with a liver punch. Myers with a Belly to Back Suplex for a two count. Myers sends Heath to the corner. Heath dives over Myers. Heath gets Myers tied up in the tree of woe. Heath ducks a clothesline from Cardona. Heath with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Heath whips Cardona into Myers. Heath and Rhino drives Cardona crotch first into Myers face.

希斯带着两个干草机。Myers用Step Up Enzuigiri回答。迈尔斯在卡多纳。卡多纳在地板上拖着晾衣绳。卡多纳把希斯推回拳台。卡多纳把希斯的头狠狠地撞在顶部的螺丝扣垫上。卡多纳在迈尔斯。卡多纳前臂猛击。迈尔斯一记跳膝击,数到二。迈尔斯用膝盖撞到了希斯的后背。 Myers applies a rear chin lock. Heath with heavy bodyshots. Myers drives his knee into the midsection of Heath. Myers drives Heath face first into the left boot of Cardona. Myers tags in Cardona. Cardona with a Knee Drop. Cardona is choking Heath with his knee. Cardona catapults Heath throat first into the bottom rope. Cardona tags in Myers. Myers with a Knee Drop for a two count. Heath with rapid fire haymakers. Myers answers with a drop toe hold for a two count. Myers drives Heath back first into the turnbuckles. Myers tags in Cardona.

卡多纳一记右直拳。卡多纳配断头线,数两下。卡多纳应用前脸锁。卡多纳和另一个断颈者,数了两下。希斯把卡多纳的脸打在迈尔斯的左靴上。卡多纳在迈尔斯。迈尔斯拦住了希斯。迈尔斯重重地踩在希斯的胸口。希斯让迈尔斯翻了个身。迈尔斯肘部击倒对手,得分两分。 Myers stomps on the midsection of Heath. Myers applies a rear chin lock. Heath with heavy bodyshots. Myers drives his knee into the midsection of Heath. Myers sends Heath to the corner. Heath kicks Myers in the face. Heath dumps Cardona out of the ring. Heath with The Flapjack. Cardona wisely pulls Rhino off the ring apron. Myers with an elbow drop. The Motor City Machine Guns makes their way down to the ringside area.

迈尔斯在卡多纳。卡多纳踢了希斯的肚子。卡多纳正在下雨。卡多纳在人群中摆好姿势。希斯给卡多纳装了一个JawBreaker。卡多纳从希斯手中挥出爱尔兰鞭。卡多纳前臂猛击。Cardona把Rhino从围裙上打了下来。卡多纳为《重启》做准备。希斯把卡多纳送到了外面。 Rhino and Myers are tagged in. Rhino clotheslines Myers. Rhino scores the elbow knockdown. Rhino with a Mini GORE. Rhino with a Side Belly to Belly Suplex. Rhino punches Cardona. Rhino slams Cardona’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Rhino with a back elbow smash. Myers drops Rhino with a Lifting Flatliner for a two count. Cardona kicks Heath off the apron. Myers thrust kicks the midsection of Rhino. The Major Players hits The Double Implant DDT for a two count. Heath tosses Cardona out of the ring. Chris Sabin snatches the chair away from Myers. Rhino connects with The GORE to pickup the victory.

获胜者:Still IMPACT世界Tag Team冠军,HEATH & Rhino via Pinfall


衣领和肘部打结。金牛把米格尔推到绞架上。裁判员要求干净利落地休息。强大的拘留所。角落里僵持不下。米格尔踩了几步,侧身卡住了。金牛想用腹部到背部的姿势,但米格尔又站了起来。米格尔把金牛送到绳子上。金牛座用奔跑的肩铲。米格尔又站了起来。 Miguel applies a hammerlock. Wrist Lock Exchange. Miguel slaps Taurus in the chest. Taurus blocks The Lucha Libre Arm-Drag. Miguel with a SpringBoard Hurricanrana. Taurus answers with a Running Hurricanrana. Arm-Drag Exchange. Double Dropkick. That leads us to a quick standoff in the center of the ring. Taurus slips over Miguel’s back. Taurus with a Spinning Back Kick. Taurus with a knee lift. Taurus follows that with a Discus Back Elbow. Taurus sends Miguel to the ring apron. Miguel kicks Taurus in the chest. Miguel slams the left shoulder of Taurus on the top rope. Miguel dropkicks the left shoulder of Taurus.

金牛踢了米格尔的脸。金牛座有两个弹弓刀片。金牛座用旋转背摔,数两下。金牛座正在展示他的沮丧。金牛座上勾拳米格尔。前臂交换。金牛躲开米格尔的晾衣绳。金牛座用刀锋剁。米格尔从金牛座翻转出爱尔兰鞭。金牛座和龙卷风。 Taurus Powerslams Miguel for a two count. Taurus goes into the lateral press for a two count. Taurus with The Swinging Reverse Cloverleaf. Miguel grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Taurus with another cover for a two count. Miguel with heavy bodyshots. Taurus answers with The Pop Up Samoan Drop for a two count. Taurus with a palm strike. Taurus with a blistering chop. Taurus sends Miguel to the corner. Miguel decks Taurus with a back elbow smash. Miguel kicks Taurus in the face. Miguel dives over Taurus. Miguel delivers his combination offense. Miguel with a Leaping Double Foot Stomp. Miguel with two running forearm smashes. Miguel follows that with Two Running Meteora’s for a two count.

第二次前臂交换。金牛座双手砍。金牛座的跑步体块。米格尔用一记上勾拳回击。米格尔超级踢金牛座。金牛座用头撞米格尔。金牛猛击米格尔的肋骨。金牛准备用强力炸弹,但米格尔用编码反击,数了两下。米格尔用手翻拳,数到二。金牛在米格尔的爱尔兰鞭下倒转。 Miguel launches Taurus over the top rope. Taurus slams Miguel’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Miguel with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Taurus with The Avalanche Gorilla Press Slam for a two count. Miguel avoids The Rising Knee Strike. Miguel turns a Plancha into a Hurricanrana on the floor. Miguel rolls Taurus back into the ring. Miguel connects with The Flying Meteora for a two count. Taurus denies The Lightning Spiral. Miguel with The Reverse Hurricanrana to the floor. Taurus blocks The Rebound Hurricanrana. Taurus PowerBombs Miguel into the steel ring post. Miguel blinds Taurus with green spray paint. Miguel plants Taurus with The Lightning Spiral to pickup the victory.

冠军:IMPACT x赛区新冠军,来自Pinfall的Trey Miguel

第六场比赛:Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Masha Slamovich在IMPACT淘汰赛世界冠军的最后一场淘汰赛

Grace前臂颤抖。格蕾丝鞭打着斯拉维奇穿过拳击台。斯拉维奇躲开格蕾丝的晾衣绳。斯拉维奇踢了格蕾丝的脸。斯拉莫维奇抓起一把钢椅子。格蕾丝踢了斯拉莫维奇的肚子。格蕾丝踢走了斯拉维奇的腿。格蕾丝反复踢着斯拉莫维奇的左腿筋。格蕾丝把斯拉维奇的左膝重重地摔在地板上。优雅的延迟垂直Suplex。 Grace is picking Slamovich apart. Grace goes for a PowerBomb, but Slamovich counters with a Back Body Drop on the ramp way. Slamovich kicks Grace in the ribs. Slamovich applies The Stretch Muffler. Slamovich stomps on Grace’s back. Slamovich repeatedly drives Grace back first into the ring apron. Slamovich with clubbing mid-kicks. Slamovich inadvertently kicks the steel ring post. Slamovich gets up at 8. Grace rolls Slamovich back into the ring. Grace with clubbing blows to Slamovich’s back. Slamovich with The Swinging Fisherman’s NeckBreaker. Slamovich stomps on Grace’s back. Slamovich with a Senton Splash. Slamovich attacks the lower back of Grace. Grace repeatedly kicks Slamovich in the face. Grace with a Snap Vertical Suplex into the ropes.

格蕾丝踢了斯拉莫维奇的肋骨。Grace with a Knee Crusher。格蕾丝把多把椅子推到圈里。Grace用两记前臂重击。格蕾丝用龙腿鞭干掉了斯拉维奇。前臂交换。一个回旋踢。格蕾丝阻挡了空袭坠毁。格蕾丝踢到了斯拉莫维奇的左膝后侧。斯拉莫维奇想要一个日落翻转,但格蕾丝用强力炸弹击穿了两把椅子。 Slamovich gets up at 9. Grace wedges a chair in between the turnbuckles. Slamovich hammers down on the back of Grace’s neck. Grace applies a waist lock. Slamovich with three sharp elbow strikes. Slamovich holds onto the ropes. Grace with a forearm shot across the back of Slamovich. Short-Arm Reversal by Slamovich. Slamovich hits The Air Raid Crash on the chair. Grace gets up at 8. Slamovich with a Spinning Back Kick. Slamovich with a Snap Vertical Suplex. Second Forearm Exchange. Grace kicks the left knee of Slamovich. Grace tees off on Slamovich. Grace with a back fist. Grace delivers The Vertebreaker on the trash can.

斯拉莫维奇9点起床。格蕾丝继续瞄准斯拉维奇的左膝。格蕾丝让斯拉莫维奇坐在最上面的螺丝扣上。斯拉莫维奇否认了《肌肉终结者》。掌击优雅。多次用头撞他。斯拉维奇用加拿大驱逐舰训练格蕾丝。斯拉维奇前臂击杀。斯拉维奇中踢腿。格蕾丝踢走了斯拉维奇的腿。 Grace repeatedly stomps on Slamovich’s chest. Grace hyperextends the left knee of Slamovich. Grace applies The Figure Four Leg Lock. Jab/Palm Strike Exchange. Slamovich reverses the pressure on the apron. Slamovich denies The Grace Driver. Slamovich repeatedly drives Grace back first into the apron. Slamovich connects with The Hitodenashi Driver on the ramp way. Grace gets up at 9. Slamovich wraps a toilet seat around Grace’s neck. Slamovich drags Grace around the ringside area. Grace blocks The Grace Driver. Slamovich sends Grace face first into the steel ring post. Grace blocks The PileDriver. Grace clips the left knee of Slamovich. Grace puts Slamovich on her shoulders. Grace walks Slamovich up the ring stairs. Grace plants Slamovich with The Muscle Buster through the door bridge to pickup the victory.

冠军:Still IMPACT淘汰赛世界冠军,Jordynne Grace

第七场比赛:Josh Alexander (c) vs Frankie Kazarian争夺IMPACT世界冠军

衣领和肘部打结。两个人都倒在了地上。链抓交换。Kazarian使用前锁。卡扎里安踢了亚历山大的脸。这让我们在拳台中央迅速对峙。亚历山大单腿击倒。亚历山大用了脚踝锁。Kazarian过渡到鸡翅。亚历山大撞到了绳索,迫使绳索断裂。 Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Alexander reverses out of the irish whip from Kazarian. Alexander goes for a Hip Toss, but Kazarian counters with a fireman’s carry cradle for a one count. Kazarian with two arm-drags. Kazarian applies an arm-bar. Kazarian transitions into a key lock. Alexander answers with The Ankle Lock. Kazarian push kicks Alexander. Alexander with a back elbow smash. Alexander runs through Kazarian. Alexander drops Kazarian with a Running Boot. Alexander with a forearm smash. Alexander whips Kazarian across the ring. Alexander scores the elbow knockdown. Alexander punches Kazarian in the back. Alexander with forearm shivers across the back of Kazarian. Alexander with a Pendulum BackBreaker for a two count.

卡扎里安式斩/前臂组合。亚历山大从卡扎里亚人手中拿起爱尔兰鞭。亚历山大和两只德国Suplex。备用交换机。卡扎里安将亚历山大击倒在地。卡扎里安人的断头台腿。卡扎里安人,地板上放着弹弓飓风。卡扎里安接着用一根晾衣绳。卡扎里安为观众表演。卡扎里安把亚历山大推回拳台。 Kazarian with The Slingshot Leg Drop for a two count. Alexander blocks The Vertical Suplex. Kazarian with clubbing blows to Alexander’s back. Kazarian with The Bridging Fisherman’s Suplex for a two count. Kazarian punches Alexander. Alexander with forearm shivers. Alexander with a blistering chop. Alexander whips Kazarian across the ring. Kazarian slips over Alexander’s back. Kazarian ducks a clothesline from Alexander. Kazarian with a Float Over NeckBreaker. Kazarian with a forearm smash. Kazarian whips Alexander across the ring. Alexander kicks Kazarian in the chest. Kazarian bodyslams Alexander. Kazarian with The SpringBoard Leg Drop for a two count.

备用交换机。亚历山大和一辆德国Suplex。卡扎里安用一记后肘重击击倒亚历山大。卡扎里亚人用头顶上的腹部到腹部的交叉交叉进入转盘。卡扎里安和亚历山大在互相射击。卡扎里安把亚历山大送到绳子上。Kazarian阻挡C4刺钉。亚历山大和蝴蝶小屋。亚历山大前臂连击。卡扎里安从亚历山大手中接过爱尔兰鞭。 Alexander with a Back Body Drop. Alexander with a running forearm smash. Kazarian fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Alexander blocks The O’Connor Roll. Alexander with 10 German Suplex’s. Alexander with clubbing blows to Kazarian’s back. Alexander stomps on Kazarian’s back. Alexander escapes The Chicken Wing. Kazarian kicks Alexander in the gut. Alexander reverses out of the irish whip from Kazarian. Kazarian inadvertently knocks down the referee. Both guys take a nasty spill to the floor. Kazarian grabs the IMPACT World Title. Kazarian gets distracted by Alexander’s wife. Kazarian decides to put the belt down. Kazarian rolls Alexander back into the ring.

卡扎里安要了鸡翅,但亚历山大用脚踝锁反击。卡扎里安先把亚历山大的脸打到中间的螺丝扣垫上。亚历山大把卡扎里安推到旋转门上。亚历山大想要大满贯,但卡扎里安又站了起来。亚历山大用后肘扣杀。Kazarian,右手直拳。卡扎里安按下死亡开关,数了两下。卡扎里安把亚历山大带到环形围裙前。卡扎里安式膝盖重击。晾衣绳上发挥失常。 Alexander avoids The Guillotine Leg Drop. Alexander with a Running Crossbody Block through the ropes. Alexander rolls Kazarian back into the ring. Alexander with The Spinning Rack Bomb for a two count. Kazarian denies The C4 Spike. Kazarian with two sharp elbow strikes. Alexander rolls Kazarian over for a two count. Kazarian applies The CrossFace Chicken Wing. Alexander responds with The Ankle Lock. Kazarian grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Kazarian is throwing haymakers at Alexander. Alexander with The Exploder Suplex.

亚历山大前臂颤抖。亚历山大把卡扎里安放在最上面的螺丝扣上。亚历山大有两个起泡的排骨。Kazarian阻挡了SuperPlex。卡扎里安打出《回到未来》数了两下。亚历山大想要风格冲突,但卡扎里安把他翻了个底朝天。亚历山大用一个旋转后腰踢。亚历山大抬起膝盖。卡扎里安打出套索,但亚历山大打出旋转墓碑打桩机,数到二。亚历山大不停地踢卡扎里安的后背。 Alexander dumps Kazarian back inside the ring. Kazarian connects with The Slingshot Cutter for a two count. Kazarian with rapid fire haymakers. Kazarian removes Alexander’s headgear. Alexander rocks Kazarian with a forearm smash. Kazarian scores the ankle pick. Ankle Lock Exchange. Kazarian grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Kazarian with a Spinning Back Kick. Kazarian with a Knee Lift. Alexander kicks Kazarian in the face. Kazarian with an Inside Out Lariat. Kazarian delivers The Styles Clash for a two count.

卡扎里安打亚历山大。卡扎里安把亚历山大放在最上面的螺丝扣上。卡扎里亚人用头撞亚历山大。亚历山大用棍子打了卡扎里安的后背。Kazarian否认雪崩C4钉钉。卡扎里亚人用飞腿落地,数到二。Kazarian再次使用了CrossFace鸡翅。亚历山大让卡扎里安翻了个身,数到二。卡扎里安抓着鸡翅。亚历山大,里面有一个摇篮,可以数到二。 Kazarian with the backslide cover for a two count. Kazarian dropkicks Alexander. Alexander blocks The Tornado DDT. Alexander with a forearm smash. Alexander bridges out of a jackknife pinning predicament. Alexander plants Kazarian with The C4 Spike to pickup the victory. After the match, Alexander had a very nice embrace with Kazarian. Bully Ray informs Alexander that he’s cashing in his Call Your Shot Trophy at Hard To Kill. Bully nails Alexander with a blindside shot. Bully delivers multiple chair shots. Bully zip ties the left wrist of Alexander to the bottom rope. Bully talks smack to Alexander. Bully teases to PileDrive Alexander’s wife to close the show.

获胜者:Still IMPACT世界冠军,Josh Alexander via Pinfall
