格雷森沃勒谈论NXT新年的邪恶,Bron Breakker, Akira Tozawa和更多



在他在新年邪恶特别活动中与WWE NXT冠军对决之前,这位摔跤明星与Fightful交谈,宣传上述定于1月10日举行的节目。


关于他与户泽明的主要赛事:“这是最好的。我认为在NXT的人群中,每周都是同样的人。他们喜欢这里,每周都来。但你已经习惯了。它变成了相同的[氛围]。我知道谁会坐在这个位子上,诸如此类的事情。我去那里看了和Tozawa的比赛,你环顾四周,你会说,‘哇。这就是大人物的样子。“但我觉得很舒服。只有走进帷幕,你才会知道真相。 You can kinda see the crowd beforehand, you can kinda hear it, but you don’t know until you walk through, and the moment I walked through, I was like, ‘Yeah, this is where I belong.’ It was proper Tozawa, too. He wasn’t a ninja anymore. It was like an actual Tozawa to fight against, which was sick. That’s where I belong, and I think a lot of people will know that.”

关于他即将在New Year’s Evil举行的NXT冠军争夺战:“这是今年最盛大的比赛,NXT冠军赛。这是我职业生涯中最重要的比赛。但我知道这是迟早的事。一年前,我就知道我和布朗会发生冲突,”沃勒说。“从那以后,我看了勒布朗的每场比赛;无论是在电视上,还是在我们做的椰子节目的现场活动,无论是在PC上,也许他正在做一些训练,我的眼睛一直在盯着他。所以我研究他有段时间了。他不够聪明,不会为我做同样的事。所以我很清楚勒布朗能带来什么。他是机器,他不应该移动那么快,因为他那么大。 So I was smart enough to know that, and I know what I’m going to do. I went home recently for about ten days, I went home, and I trained with some of my guys from PWA, my company that I work with back home because I needed people who know me and know me best and get away from the distractions because this is the biggest match of my career.”

关于他如何相信自己能够战胜NXT冠军Bron Breakker:“我现在很诚实。我要说的是——我一直都很诚实;这就是问题所在。我并不比他强壮,”沃勒承认。“我记得我第一天走进PC的时候,我去了健身房,那个家伙就像在做一些疯狂的卧推一样。通常,我比别人跑得快,他比我跑得快。他有业余摔跤的背景。所以他摔得也比我好。我下周就要被狠狠地揍一顿了。他要揍我一顿。 But I’m smart enough and my cardio is good enough that when it gets to that 10-minute mark, when he’s gassed, and he’s trying to bark, but he can’t get the breath out. That’s when I’m going to take advantage because I’m a veteran. People don’t realize that I’ve been doing this for a while, and I’m very, very smart at what I do. I always find a way to win. Deadline, I found a way to win, and it always happens. Bron is not smart enough to find a way to beat me.”

