独家:基因Snitsky文斯麦克马洪是“动手”和他的故事,他的感情在WWE & AEW MLW,更多伟德bevictor62










“我去路易斯维尔——路易斯维尔搬了出去。刚刚问我的是什么,你知道,试图吸收的所有信息。我可以学习他们的做事的方法和刻苦训练。你知道,这是美丽的。从我的足球背景,它只是自然来。但是,你知道,我是一个大的体育人。我想,大概283年,6 ' 7,总是能做到像,你知道,像moonsault各种东西,和所有这些东西。我的性格不会做。但我总是可以做这样的东西,如培训和东西。我们消磨时间和做所有这些东西。 But, you know, so I just kind of followed Bill DeMott…. and I was very fortunate that you know when they called me and told me, you know, they needed me, I was ready to go. So I always just took the approach of, you know, train as hard as you can and be ready. And if something happens, you know, give it 100%. And I was fortunate enough to get thrown right into the midst of a hot angle. And my attitude was, man, I’m taking this ball, and I’m scoring a touchdown, whether they like it or not.”


“嗯,我一直的在高中和小学,敢于做一些事情,这样做只是为了一个反应,只是我的个性。所以,讽刺的是,这是一个完美的适合我。我还记得,你知道,进入环并穿过它。文斯,你知道,文斯非常实际的故事情节。所以他走了进来,他就像,‘嘿,我们会这样做。你知道,无论你做什么…不要f * * k。”我说,“听着,麦克马洪先生。我想在高中是一个船夫。这将是惊人的。相信我。对我说实话,我说这一天在一个播客。 The funniest thing to me about that was the little fake baby sounds when I walked out with the baby doll. I’m thinking to myself ‘This is freaking great!’ Like, I’m trying not to laugh while I’m doing the skit. Because it’s so ridiculous. And I’m like, ‘This is awesome!’ So I get in there and you know, do the whole deal with the baby doll and punted it. It’s crazy. Like looking back on it. I didn’t think anything of it. It was just another day at the office. But it’s, you know, it kind of grew a life of its own…19 years later, we’re still talking about it. So that’s kind of funny to me that something so like off the wall, off the cuff just kind of stuck with the people and resonated with the fans to the point where they’re still talking about it all these years later.

“但它很酷,因为作为一个演员,这就是你追求。你要记住你的表现。如果你的表现在人们接受并显示,人们会记住你。这是我主要的事情,男人,我只是想,尽我可以,一样好我可以和一堆屎让一切变成一堆黄金。这是我的态度。我是一切。他们给我的一切。我只是想让它最好的我能做到,最有趣。这只是我。这就是我住我的生活。 Every day. I like to have fun. I like to goof around with my wife. You know, I always tell her I’m like, life’s too short, man. You got to have fun. If you’re not having fun while you’re doing it. So shout out to my gorgeous wife, Carolyn. Ironically, people still think it was real baby, believe it or not.”

你谈论的是如何来到这,你知道,作为一个重大的田径OVW人,和另一个大的体育人,凯恩,你被扔到火的人。我相信有很多伟大的经验教训。,也许他教会了你一些事情。但有趣的是,在我们谈论凯恩,我想谈谈你的电影产业经验,你知道,你作为一个演员,你不仅仅是一个摔跤手,你是一个演员,凯恩也作为一个演员,你必须把他的佣金,这样他可以去做电影。所有这些年后,你已经在不少电影。你愿意谈谈你的演艺事业?我想知道你有什么。你出来;你已经出来了吗?发生了什么吗? You’re a very artistic creative person, and I know you’re using different avenues.

“好吧,现在,我基本上我所有的时间和精力关注商店,我有一个与我的一个好友,我们这里有优先级的盈余在汉堡,宾夕法尼亚州。所以我大部分的时间。我回来了摔跤,可能一次,有时两次一个星期。但你知道,我的大部分时间和精力花在那里,因为我真的参与梯形军人家属和Gaisberg,战场Bash,和其他退伍军人。我们做很多军事,福利之类的。我弟弟是一个仪仗队,我爸爸是一个空军的家伙。所以,你知道,我的意思是,我总是非常尊重的军事。但是当我们走到阿富汗归功于军队显示在2005年,就像,这些人的生活方式。而且,你知道,只是为了确保我们的自由之类的在美国。现在,我想,这太疯狂了,这些人对我们的自由生活。 You know, it’s my way of giving back, I enjoy it. I like helping out the people.

“我们试着尽我们所能的帮助。但不幸的是,现在世界的方式,这有点疯狂。但是,你知道,我们可以帮助我们。而且,你知道,我非常活跃和所有这些东西。这就是现在我的大部分时间。但回到原来的问题,我做了一个电影,叫做地狱的100英亩。我和作者共同制作,是对抗协调员,和特技协调员。我们,你知道,杂帽子的电影,叫做在很多好处,yadda yadda。但我很自豪,我们实际上在费城电影节获得最佳恐怖特性。早在…。like a lifetime ago. But anyways, I forget what year it was. But we won awards that year. And unfortunately, with COVID it kind of locked down to kind of kill the momentum of the film, because our film debuted in October of 19. And then March of 20, the world shut down, so it just kind of brought everything to a screeching halt, unfortunately, but it is still out there on all the streaming platforms and all that. So if you want to check it out, it’s 100 Acres of Hell. It’s a great flick not saying it because I’m in it, but it’s actually what we wanted to do, like a homage to the ADSR. So it was more like, build up the tension and have the big crescendo at the end kind of thing not, you know, having slice and dice right in the original seat and opening scene. So, you know, it was a lot of hard work a lot of time and effort and energy, and very proud of how it came out. Just really bummed out that the world shut down and didn’t get the chance to really get it out there across all the markets because they were working on a European deal, on a Southeast Asia deal and all that, and just kind of get, like I say, came to a screeching halt, unfortunately. But you know, if you’re a horror fan, like myself, go ahead and check it out. I think you’ll enjoy it. I think you I think you’ll have a lot of positive things to say about it. After you watch it. There’s some twists and turns and you know, I don’t want to give too many things away. But it’s, it’s definitely for what the amount of money we had to work with. It came out amazing. And it’s only Amazon Prime and all that kind of stuff. So just Google it. 100 Acres of Hell, you’ll see it I’m sure it’s on all the platforms still.

“现在就行动,我不做了。但creativity-wise,我刚和我自己的t恤…那些自己设计,你知道,个性的创意团队,但它们都是基于我的主意。然后我们来回的…他们很有趣,很酷。如果有人是我的粉丝想要一些营销上,ProWrestlingTees.com Snitsky商店。所以看看吧。律师事务所律师一个似乎是最好的销售具有讽刺意味的是,我有一个狡猾狡猾卑鄙狡猾的律师事务所。哦,我的上帝。它永远不会是你的错。这很好。你要看你要仔细看,因为我有这正义的天平上的衬衫。 And there’s a little baby on the scale tipping the scale of justice. I love the detail I love. It’s great. It’s tremendous.”




“嗯。我的意思是,WWE在自己的联赛让我们成为现实的。他们已经在世界范围内产品的识别。当你说你在WWE摔跤,每个人都知道那是什么,就像没有进攻AEW或任何其他的联合会。但也有,只是不像WWE全球已知。你可以在世界任何地方,说,“嘿,伙计,我在WWE摔跤,和几乎每个人都知道那是什么。但就产品本身而言,这些天来,它更像一个杂技表演。如果你问我喜欢的很多东西…就像,我通过业务上来的时候,就像我说的,我在野外训练萨摩亚个人培训中心,很多心理学的东西,我们学习不是那么普遍,你知道,当时。我不想用这个词,但这几乎就像一个体操比赛或体操表演。你知道我的意思吗? Like, to me, I can never understand how somebody takes a superplex in the first part of the match and then gets up and running the ropes a minute later. It’s like that’s the biggest move of the wrestling match. How do you just get up and run around after that? That should be it, you should be done. So like just those aspects of it kind of every once in a while I’m watching it and I’m just shaking my head. I’m like, man, that just doesn’t make any sense.”


“是的,我的意思是,不直,但很多时候,对吧?那是,我是如何训练的。我被训练少即是多,做一切事。确保这个家伙在竞技场中的最后一行有时间消化之前发生了什么,让它消化继续下一件事。一个大个子,你做很多动作。如果我给一个人一个抱摔,我不打算接他们回来然后射杀他们的绳索,给他们一个臀部扔掉或者背景。我想给他一个大大的抱摔太多让我的性格和你知道,让我自己过去。我不会跑到下一个,你知道吗?好吧,让我们做下一个点本身,我说,对,对,对。你的角色是更多的工作。 Let the people digest, and then move on to the next thing. Unfortunately, I think the way with fans attention span these days is so short that you have to try to put everything in there that you can because you only get a certain amount of time. You could blame the guys, you could blame the business, you could blame the fans. It’s just the way it is. But personally, I like the older stuff with the characters and the over-the-top personalities, and you don’t see much of that anymore. Because that’s what caught my attention as a 10-year-old flipping through the channels. It’s like, you see Hulk Hogan, Undertaker, you know, Ultimate Warrior, like, wow, look at those guys. That’s awesome. Like you don’t see those larger-than-life characters anymore. It’s like those guys were a once-in-a-lifetime thing. It’s sad to say, but I don’t think you’ll ever see any characters with that longevity or that impact ever again.”


“我是一个不同的情况,因为就像我没有敲门摔跤你们的业务。但是很多人依赖于摔跤为生,我上了大学,我有一个学位。我做了足球的事。我有我的学校,我有一个管理学位。你知道,我不只是一个漂亮的脸蛋。你知道,我有一个教育,我是聪明的。我把一出戏。我有点像狡猾的像一只狐狸。你知道,我玩愚蠢的我需要的时候出现。但我知道发生了什么。 I’ve been around the world, I’m good with people. Like I don’t need to depend on wrestling for, you know, a living. So in that aspect, like, if they were to call the numbers were right, and the character was right in the storyline. I mean, there’s a lot of variables to it. That’s what was awesome about MLW.

“我认识法院鲍尔20多年;当我第一次进入业务时,他和我崇拜的人。这就是我原来见过他。他和我合得来,你知道,这些年来保持着联系。他们向我伸出手,我想,好吧,你有什么想法?他们告诉我,我就像,‘是的,这听起来非常棒。“这是在费城。这才像我的房子一个半小时车程。所以你知道,这很酷,下来做我的事情。看到很多没见过的人。它很酷,因为现在像我训练与萨布兰斯小野牛份子,他是球队的一个标签在MLW冠军。伟德bevictor62 And I’ve known him since he’s like three, four years old. So it’s cool to see the development of him and what he’s doing now and and that I trained with his dad and I’m tight with the family. I used to travel with Umaga back at WWE, and I like seeing the Usos now, their nephews, I remember when Umaga brought the Usos to the show in Houston and had them backstage. They were just hanging out, like before they even got into wrestling. So that’s cool to see how the guys are all developing and all that kind of stuff. And getting to work with Lance now after breaking into the business with his dad, Sam. It was kind of cool how things came full circle, but that was one of the main reasons I really liked MLW, they let me be me. They let me do what I want to do pretty much as far as you know, my character and all that kind of stuff. I’m glad it ended up being MLW because at WWE I wouldn’t have as much creative control.



我永远不会忘记我第一次见到你的人。难以置信,这么多年后,我们坐在这里说这样。就是不可思议的。我记得它是一个超级秀,原始和攻击波。两个品牌在麦迪逊广场花园,那是2004年,也许2005年。你是开黄色悍马到街对面的停车场上。我是一个有早期的那些人。我已经离开高中,高中课程早期要早看到像你这样的人。你开车,我说,“哦,屎!基因SNITSKY !’ And then everybody turns around and starts yelling, ‘it’s not my fault! It’s not my fault!’ Here we are sitting all these years later. I’m not trying to be fanboying. But it is truly an honor. A privilege to sit down with a gentleman like you. That’s accomplished so much in different worlds, and you have so much left to accomplish. I really, really, want to thank you so much for sitting down with us.


“具有讽刺意味的是,这可能是相同的两个家伙。我的意思是,每个人都在Chris Benoit皱眉,因为发生了什么事,所有这些东西。但我总是有一个伟大的化学克里斯,我们有很多伟大的比赛。而且,你知道,他的僵硬,我们舒适的工作,但我告诉你,男人,他非常有趣,很容易设置和他比赛。而且,你知道,事后总是2020。人们会说,‘你知道,他这样做,他现在这么做,雅达,雅达。但嘿,我只能去我知道那个家伙和他如何待我如何,你知道,我的交互。所以,然后第二个家伙可能Harcore冬青,他和我刚刚真正伟大的化学。我们进去了,让它看起来尽可能的真实。它们可能是我最喜欢的两个家伙在WWE工作,说实话,我们就像化学和,和故事,你知道,让它看起来尽可能真实,这两个家伙的人,和他们一起工作很有趣。 You watch one of our matches, and you were like, damn, those guys did a really good job to get an input.

