

前WWE/ECW明星弗朗辛对丽芙·摩根使用“极限女王”的昵称感到不满,她在播客上表示,她几个月前就申请了这个昵称,因为她第一次使用这个昵称是在为保罗·海曼的ECW工作时。Corey Graves在RAW期间也称Lita为“极限女王”。


“这是一个很大的过程。这需要时间。我的意思是,我现在一直在用它-已经超过25年了,或者30年了…我很感激这种爱。请不要误解我的意思,但很多人只是说,‘嘿,你听到科里·格雷夫斯说过这个吗?’我就说,好吧,首先,我从不生气,我不会生艾米或莉塔的气。我不会生她的气。你知道,她不会到处说,找到她的定位。也许是吧,我不知道。据我所知没有。但我对整个事情的担忧是,我不希望他们尝试注册商标,然后告诉我你不能再使用它。因为我已经用了快三十年了。 And that’s what like, some people don’t understand, like, one guy was like, ‘Oh, get over it, you’re not relevant anymore. You passed the torch.’ or whatever. And I was just like, that’s not the point. She doesn’t need the torch passed to her. She’s a star. She’s a star in herself. She doesn’t need me to help her. My thing is what people don’t understand is when you establish a character and a gimmick and a name, and you use that for years and years and years and years, you don’t pass that name on to somebody, you know, it’s not like I’m doing every indie show that I can working ringside, you know, at 51 years old, saying I can hang with the younger [talent]. No, that’s not what I’m trying to do. Like, I’m just trying to hold on to my legacy in this business. And that is the name that I have used. That is the name that people know me by. So why would I just give it away and let other people use it? And people don’t understand…It’s not that I don’t want to pass the torch or share knowledge…I know my time in the ring is over. Now, if I’m used for anything, I’m not trying to make that big comeback. I’ve said this a million times…You don’t see me in the ring every weekend. That’s not my deal. That’s not what I’m trying to do. What I will fight for is that name, because I’ve worked hard and I’ve used it for so many years. So I finally said, Okay, we’re going to do a trademark on it. And, you know, Stephen P. New was nice enough to put the trademark in for me. And now we are waiting to make it finalized. I didn’t get a lot of hate on it. I got a lot of positivity. But I just hope that people aren’t looking at me saying, ‘Oh my God, get over it, you’re so old or your time has passed.’ It’s not about me trying to stay relevant. It’s just about what I’ve worked hard for. And I feel like I’ve earned that name. And I’ve used it for so long, it would be weird if I can’t use it anymore. And for them to take it away from me because they can’t take my name. I said this before, like in my contract when I worked there, [Francine] was borrowed because it’s my birth name. So they can’t tell me not to use that name because I was born with it. Right?…But for them to turn around and say well, you can’t be known as the Queen of extreme anymore. That would be horrible.”


弗朗辛明确表示,她并不痛苦,也不会追求表演者。她说:“这并不是我在抱怨,或者,你知道,试着在事情上做个混蛋。我在努力保护我的品牌,保护我为之努力的东西。你知道,也许我现在做的不多,但这是我的决定。这是我的选择。我不是每周都忙,这是我自己的选择。我确实收到了很多邀请。如果我愿意,我可以每个周末都在路上。因为我的家庭,我不能。我的身体做不到。 You know, so the little bit that I do, I’m gonna protect it. So I’m not calling the girls out. I’m calling the company out. And I’m saying listen, that’s not your name to use, that’s my name.”


(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)