
Marina Shafir是前WWE明星,现在为AEW工作,她出现在Renee Paquette的播客上,讨论了她与NXT品牌合作的时间。

“我觉得我从来没有得到过适当的介绍。比如,你和Triple H签约NXT时的照片,他握手的照片,我从来没有那张照片。这让我久久不能释怀。我想要那该死的照片。这对我来说意义重大。但我们必须表现得很酷,我就像‘去他的,我想要那张照片。“我以为那是为我准备的,我有机会。我只是想有一场精彩的比赛,回到那里,然后就像‘我要拍这张该死的照片。“我从来没有得到它,这很好,但这让我很不舒服。然后我意识到我低估了自己。我最大的敌人就是我自己。也许这就是需要发生的事情,我需要离开,我需要塑造自己。”

“所以,我曾经一直在说这些狗屎——我们(在NXT)会有这些更衣室会议,‘还有谁他妈还有什么要说的吗?“我入行6个月了。如果他们有西红柿和鸡蛋,他们就会把那该死的东西扔给我。但我就是感觉到了。我才不在乎呢。我一直都是一样的人,去问别人吧。从他们遇见我到现在,我都是同一个人。我说,‘我们不是彼此的竞争对手。我们他妈又不想杀了对方。我们在和那个该死的更衣室竞争,你知道谁在那个该死的更衣室里吗?我丈夫,但你知道吗? F*ck him. I want to be in the spot that he’s in and I’m after his ass and it makes our sex life amazing.’ That’s me and everybody just looked at me and they’re like, shut the f*ck up. Well, you never know. I was the new girl and I only worked my f*cking ass off in pure martial arts. I didn’t go to a f*cking professional wrestling seminar, sorry. I’m so sorry. I will. Send me to one, send me to 50. I’d love to. But I’m sorry that your feelings are hurt because I didn’t do what you had to do and that’s why everybody f*cking hated Ronda [Rousey]. Dude, I can’t. She’s a f*cking beast man. She knows what to just let roll off her shoulder and she knows what needs to light her ass on fire. She knows. That’s how well I wanna know myself.”


(h / tWrestlingInc.com而且PostWrestling.com