
在Captain 's Corner的虚拟签约中,前WWE超级巨星Chavo Guerrero谈到了他在WrestleMania 24上与Kane争夺ECW冠军的11秒比赛。

“他们正在打造那场比赛(《WrestleMania 24》中的Chavo对Kane)。当我们进入WrestleMania时,会有很多合同出现,比如说他们想签下Snoop Dogg。有时候,这要等到前一天才会发生。所以,时代一直在变化,它们一直在变化。即使他们可能在两周前或一个月前就已经准备好了卡片,也就是在《WrestleMania》到来的那一天,情况也会发生很大的变化。所以我和凯恩在摔跤狂热上比赛了。我们的比赛进行得很顺利。我们在场上产生了很好的化学反应。所以,大约一个星期前,他们开始洗牌,我们没有参加WrestleMania。所以我和凯恩去找文斯·麦克马洪说,‘嘿,文斯。’ We had a meeting with him in his office and said, ‘If we’re not on WrestleMania then this championship doesn’t mean anything’ and Vince is like, ‘You’re right, you’re right. Okay, you guys are definitely on.’ So, the week before, we had like eight minute matches. When we got to WrestleMania, Vince called us in. He goes, ‘Guys, I have to cut time. I’m cutting time all over the place. I even cut time from the main event and here shuffling times around.’ So he goes, ‘I can only give you guys two minutes.’ Well I’m like, ‘Two minutes? What are we gonna do in two minutes? No one remembers a two minute match at WrestleMania, nobody.’ So we’re like, ‘Well, what if we say we can do this in, you know, 10, 20 seconds’ and he was like, ‘What? What? That’s great. How can you do that?’ So we kind of like, collaboration between all three of us and figured it out and that’s how it happened so, Kane won the Invitational Battle Royal to face the ECW Champion so I didn’t know who I was gonna face until it was Kane and then, I did my whole entrance and I’m watching for Kane and I don’t see him anywhere. He pops up behind me, beats me in eight seconds, if it was that. I’m like, eight seconds, awesome, great. So, I had my gripes, saying he cheated. I was coming down the ramp and what other match, what other sport can someone just appear — I’m not saying not jump somebody but actually beat them for a title. This shouldn’t even have gone through. He cheated 100 percent, he didn’t wanna face me straight up because he knew I was gonna beat him. Vince loved it, we end up doing it and to this day, that eight seconds, that was the most I ever got paid for one match. It’s true, totally true. By the second, it’s incredible but it’s for the whole match. It was the most I got paid for one match. It was a lot and thank you Jim Ross. But yeah, that was for that and if you break down the second, it was pretty lucrative (he laughed).”


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