前WWE明星Enzo Amore说他会在促销战中“残酷对待”MJF


前WWE明星Real1 (Enzo Amore)在一次露面中被问及他是否能在宣传战中击败AEW世界冠军MJF。

“这甚至不是一个问题。我们不需要问这些问题因为如果这是事实,我的手机开着。人们知道在哪打电话给我。人们知道在哪能找到我。如果你想明天就给人们这些垃圾,你将浪费大量的时间、金钱和投资,因为这是一个值得构建的构建。我不会从那些在麦克风前做得很好的人那里拿走任何东西,我想看其他人吃东西。一代人才?我在这行干了十年。我的第一代,我的十年已经结束了。我所做的是不可否认的。 You can’t ever discredit it. I’m called a babyface because I got over. I don’t have to shit on the people and bury the people. I can make people love me. I can make people listen, cheer, chant. You can’t do that. Until you make people chant your catchphrases, love you, and book you as babyface, it’s easy to be a heel. It’s easy to shit on these people. It’s real easy. It’s called RC Cola, cheap fucking pop. When I said, ‘you’re sitting in your mother’s basement jerking off.’ ‘Fuck you.’ I didn’t curse for seven years. I didn’t curse or say a bad word. I created a word. SAWFT, Sawft. They made millions of Snickers bars sponsoring the history of WrestleMania. One and only corporate sponsor, Snickers. SAWFT, they made millions of Snickers bars in one campaign leading to the Hardys return match at WrestleMania. It was built for Enzo and Cass to win those titles. The Hardys came back to the greatest anticipation, the biggest pop in the history of wrestling maybe. I was there, I was in that match, because the match was built on Enzo and Cass and nobody knew they were coming. To get your own match on the card at WrestleMania for the tag titles in a ladder match. Get the fuck out of here. Don’t compare apples to oranges.”

“我希望他为巴宝莉赚了很多钱,但他看不到那些钱。我卖t恤,上面写着G认证,我在30岁之前就在这个行业赚了100万美元。我不需要合同纠纷因为我在一份新秀合同上就做了那破事。永远不要拿苹果和橘子作比较。永远不要不尊重我。5分钟吗?残酷地对待他。你给我五分钟的直播时间,我就能登上全球热搜榜第一。你什么时候抽的2 ?当CM朋克到那里的时候他们抽了个2 ? If I show up on that screen, you’re getting the number one trend in the world, guaranteed, with or without MJF on the screen. I didn’t have to be there when Cass showed up, and he trended, and I trended number five on my fucking couch. It wasn’t Wardlow trending, it wasn’t Cass, it was Enzo trending.”


(h/t抄写给Jeremy Lambert)