



“我回去洗了个澡。的随队医生那里,他的名字叫里奥斯博士,他说,“不要让它在那里。“老奥尔顿有洗澡,男人,我准备把这血离开我,因为我有我的血。我有别人对我的血液。这是令人讨厌的。我想摆脱这种狗屎我了。他说,‘不要洗澡。不要在洗澡的时候。”我说,“你在说什么?“这最后一个男人最终有肝炎。 When the doctor saw everybody in the ring bleeding, he grabbed everybody in the Gorilla position and went off. ‘He can’t be doing it. They can’t be doing that.’ So I came back and they didn’t tell me a damn thing and this is right before Christmas vacation. Nobody said a word to me. I got cleaned up and I’m thinking well, hell, they’re unhappy. Let me get the hell on home for Christmas vacation.”

“我从圣诞假期回家。我回去在路上两周后,我在家。我飞。我在宾夕法尼亚。我不得不飞到费城和租一辆车开车。我想见到泰迪长或有人在路上。我自己去。我的电话响了。这是约翰Laurinaitis。约翰说,“啊,尼克,我需要从你一个忙。 You at that match, you have possibly been exposed to hepatitis.’ I don’t know anything really about it. I’m not a doctor. I don’t know if it’s something that I can transfer to my family or what. All I know is now that you have exposed me to it because I found out later that they knew that moment that night that it happened and they didn’t say a damn thing to me. I went home and spent two weeks with my family. Now I’m back out on the road and I’m by myself. Laurinaitis asked me to gather the boys and asked them which ones were comfortable working with me and which ones weren’t and I popped. I said, ‘That’s not my F’n responsibility and I’m not one that exposed myself.’ That was the first time I blew up at the office.”




(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)