


在VOC Nation Wrestling with History的新采访中,马丁内斯更多地谈到了她与巴蒂斯塔的问题:

“巴蒂斯塔这个名字曾经和我有着不同的联系。这太疯狂了,因为这些年来,我总是反复梦见他。在这些梦里,共同点是,他想帮我。我意识到的是,我和巴蒂斯塔的小插曲就像我在WWE的棺材上的最后一颗钉子。我现在意识到他们解雇了我——我曾经认为那只是原因,但我意识到,不,那只是棺材上的最后一颗钉子。所以这确实保护了我,因为我非常感谢我在WWE的经历,无论是好的、坏的还是中间的一切。但那不是我灵魂的归宿,也不只是我的归宿。我很好,我完全不介意。我不会说‘哦,去那个地方’之类的话。我只是说,我不喜欢那种工作环境和随之而来的一切。 So it’s so crazy how that whole thing went down. I remember lawyers approaching me when all that happened like, ‘You want to sue them?’ And all this. You know, and I would always tell them, ‘God will deal with them.’ And I know for some people that’s a lame answer, rolling eyes answer. But now more than ever, I totally get that. And it’s cool because when I used to say it, I just said what was in my heart. I didn’t really understand it, but now I do. And you know what, if for some strange reason Dave Batista hears this or gets wind of this … thank you dude, thanks. You did me a big favor, and I really appreciate it.”