埃里克·比肖夫揭示了为什么他不会试图重建与新WCW nWo 2.0


WWE名人堂成员和WCW前总统埃里克•比绍夫最近花了他83年的一集周播客,在那里他谈论各种话题,包括为什么他不会试图重建新WCW nWo 2.0如果他购买了推广。

比绍夫说,“不,出于同样的原因,我对Russo说想把他早在99年或2000年,哦,不,我会的。用新的WCW 2.0的想法是完全新鲜的新品牌,我就不会消失。我可能已经在路上了,但是最初,没有。没有在我的脑海里思考,“嘿,如果我们买这个东西,我要把n-W回来。“我反对。”


“WCW从未出售商品,直到NWO。是的。是的。我应该收回,因为人们挂在每一个字,我说,你知道,巨魔我之后。WCW低价出售商品领域吗?是的。这是糟糕的。糟糕透顶。不值得的时间和费用装载到卡车,然后驾驶300英里,设立一个舞台,并希望将出售。你失去了钱。 You lost money when you had to fill the truck up with gas. That’s how successful WCW merchandise was before NWO. It’s not that we didn’t want it; it’s just we didn’t have anybody that was over enough to drive it. The NWO changed that. Now, it wasn’t driven by the idea of splitting NWO up into Wolf Pack or LWO or whatever. Merchandise considerations did not drive it. It was driven by story and driven by the fact that it was so over all, boats rose with the higher tide that the NWO created. NWO was a tsunami. It wasn’t a high tide; it was a freaking tsunami. And splitting it up was more about the storytelling device, as you pointed out than it was that merchant merchandise was a byproduct. Merchandise was ancillary to the creative.”


埃里克•比绍夫说,“你,有趣的是,人们谈论世界末日的手指戳刺,你知道的,和Hogan和97年,等等。这就是为什么戈德堡和霍根,,你知道,在免费电视,这是,这是垮台的原因。WCW,那么多废话。但是我认为如果有一件事,这是第一点。的一件事,我认为确实加剧了稀释NWO的故事是让战士把重点从,因为你把战士,你必须把很多关注。你回去,你有基本信息,你尝试,你试图重现或,或扩大。这花了这么多关注我们在做什么。当然,战士是擅长提出想法,我们得到战士。我去了。凯文·沙利文。 We all made my decision ultimately, not Kevin’s. And it was a mistake. There’s not you. You cannot look at that and say it wasn’t. But I think it wasn’t because Warrior came out and took a 12-minute promo and turned it into a 30 minute television show, that bored the audience to death and ruined his entrance into WCW, his debut. More importantly, we took our eye off the ball creatively. That was a big mistake. And at the worst possible time, the worst time.”


埃里克•比绍夫说,“我们最后,越来越深入水中后,当水位达到我们的鼻子,我们可以不再踩水,我们必须找到一个方法来游。我想回到最初的概念更多的是我们的努力走出洞。这是说起来容易做起来难。我的意思是,的一种方式,这种回到迈克尔·海耶斯的策略,嗯,如果是计划,再一次,我学到的东西,并不是我知道,你从你的成功和你学习失败或错误,在这种情况下。但是如果你想拥抱这一策略说,好吧,让我们把它带回来。这是要离开一段时间。你得让没有使两颗心靠得更近。这不是怀旧如果你只是看到它一周前或者一个月前,或在这种情况下,一年前,这不是怀旧。这是绝望,坦率地说。嗯,所以会有工作如果世界自然基金会是一个明确的结束,一年或两年后如果一直计划要和你有一个伟大的方式来恢复后,大量的时间的流逝。 So it did feel nostalgic. You know, it’s like looking at a 19. It is like looking at a 2021 Mercedes and thinking, ‘Wow, that’s a classic car.’ No, it’s not. You can go buy one at the dealership tomorrow. It’s not a classic till now. It’s a classic. It’s not nostalgia till it’s been away for a while. And it reminds you of something. And not enough time had passed, particularly because of the slope that existed with it creatively within the NWO from early 99 on. It was a mess. Late 98, even. It was kind of messy in late 98, and it got messier in 1999. Well, to try to bring it back a couple months later is not nostalgia. You’re not harnessing that emotion in people. You, you’re just desperately trying to bring something back without giving it a lot of thought. The same was true with WWE. I’m not picking on Russo here. We talked about this. I think it was the last week or whatever, a week before I lost track of time. But you know, the, the, the NWO invasion of WWE was ill-conceived. That’s being kind. It sucked. That’s being accurate. And what Vince did, what Russo did was, uh, that was more desperation than it was anything else.”
