Eric Bischoff解释为什么WWE不应该让CM朋克回归(视频)

Eric Bischoff最近在WrestlingNews中与Steve Fall的Ten Count进行了交谈。独家宣传他的新自传《感恩》,作者是盖伊·埃文斯。

在讨论中,这位前WWE和WCW高管谈到了为什么CM Punk回到WWE对公司来说不是一个好的商业决定。


“我不认为把CM Punk带回WWE是一个好的商业决定。我觉得CM·庞克在床上拉屎。当Tony Khan把CM Punk带进AEW时,他仍然有那种神秘感,管状炸弹的神秘感。他是这样一个人物,他站在(文斯)麦克马洪面前,然后走开。他的性格中有一种叛逆的品质,我想这是普通美国人所羡慕的。所以朋克有这种神秘感,仍然有他的粉丝基础,Tony Khan能够利用这一点。在很短的时间内,这种神秘感开始消散。这就像让气球里的空气每周都多放一点。CM Punk出现了,你知道,收视率很高,然后在接下来的一周,就开始自由落体,回到前Punk的水平。你看看AEW每周的评级,这是我们唯一需要衡量的公开的东西因为财务信息都是私人的。 We don’t really hear anything about the real financial information. We just get the top line stuff. But you know, ratings are the data that we have that we can go, ‘Okay, this is where this product is going.’ Flat-line. Shortly after CM Punk got there, flat-line to pre-Punk levels and I think that a lot of that has to do with, people came, they were excited because of the aura and the mystique, they saw, and they went, ‘Eh, not so much. A little bit, but nothing special.’ Then for Punk to conduct himself in the manner in which he did, I think it left a bad taste in not only the fans mouths, but why would anybody want to hire a guy that’s willing to, live, publicly disparage the guy that’s writing him a check every week?”

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