

“这是我们与底线的较量,就是这样。我认为如果有人能公开证明这就是他的行事方式,那就是文斯·麦克马洪。他把我带回来了。他带我进来,忘了带我回来吧,他第一次就带我进来了。不是因为他喜欢我,也不是因为他想的其他原因,这是为了生意。它很有创意,这才是最重要的。他可能恨透了我。他可能真的很想把我踩死,这可能是他对我个人的真实感受,但这是当时对公司最好的选择。看看《终极战士》。看看杰夫·贾勒特,让杰夫·贾勒特复活了。 Jeff Jarrett held him up for millions or whatever the story was, I didn’t pay attention to the story. He held him up for a significant amount of money, brought him back. So, I think Vince has demonstrated that what’s best for business is more important than how he feels about somebody personally.

“我根本不认识琳达。我有点了解肖恩,我是说,我们很友好。我很喜欢谢恩。我和谢恩玩得很开心。比起文斯,我更了解肖恩。我制作了肖恩,你知道,当他和凯文·欧文斯有故事情节的时候,相信我,这是一个有趣的项目,因为文斯当时对凯文·欧文斯有一定的看法,而肖恩就是肖恩,我用积极的方式说。但他可能很棘手。布鲁斯会比我说得更好因为布鲁斯和他合作过。我喜欢和谢恩一起工作,但我喜欢和他一起工作。但是,你在自己的小战壕里认识一个人,这不是一个很深的战壕,也不是一场战争,但你在一个战壕里试图让事情正常运转,你可以看到人们如何应对他们不舒服的情况。 And you see how they react to that, and that reaction indicates to you, to me at least what kind of person someone is. And I got to know both Kevin Owens and Shane pretty well during that very brief period of time or at least I feel like I did. And I think, you know, Shane, in my opinion, limited basis that I know him is more like Linda McMahon and Stephanie is more a lot like Vince McMahon. My son Garrett is much more like, in many respects, not in all respects, he’s still got a little bit of me in him, sometimes more than others. But for the most part, my son’s personality is very much like Lori’s. Everybody likes being around them, they’re fun, they’re easy going, they’re just different people than I am. And my daughter is much more like me, a lot more like me, in some respects when it comes to business and things like that, only she’s smarter, by the way. So, I think in this same sense, Shane is very much like Linda. And that’s probably why neither one of them have been working with Vince closely for the last few years.

“这只是性格上的冲突。就是不一样。不代表那里没有爱。这并不意味着不尊重。但在日常生活中,这可能不是最好的化学反应。我在肖恩身上看到了,我觉得琳达可能也看到了,感觉到了。我想他们可能对现在的处境很满意。谢恩现在处境不错,他又不缺钱。我不认为她可能会坐下来说,哦天哪,我希望我一直持有那只股票,因为我的身价会增加100亿美元。谢恩的经济状况很好,他不仅仅是很好而且他有他生活中热爱的事情。 I think that’s one of the reasons why he’s not in WWE because it wasn’t going to consume his life 24 hours a day, which is what’s necessary. Look at the tail number on the plane, dude, it’s WWE 24/7. And I don’t think Shane was a 24/7 guy, he’s a more well-rounded, he’s a more normal person. It’s a healthy way to be and I think he’s probably, I’m assuming again, I don’t talk to Shane very often or we don’t stay in touch, but he’s got a pretty good life, man and I think he’s pretty happy.”

