Eric Bischoff Defends NWA’s Decision to Make Tyrus World Champion

(Photo Credit: WWE)

During the latest episode of his 83 Weeks Podcast, Eric Bischoff discussed Tyrus winning the NWA World Heavyweight Title.

推罗在困难时期3赢得冠军。许多fans criticized NWA owner Billy Corgan’s decision. Bischoff, on the other hand, understands the move.

He said, “Billy’s gotta be a little bit careful of how he deals with his public. He’s a bit of an eccentric guy and I like Billy,” Bischoff said, before pointing out that Tyrus is a major on-air personality on the Fox News late-night show “Gutfeld. I mean they’re beating ‘Kimmel’ and Tyrus is a big part of that show and comes out with his belt.

If you’re Billy Corgan or anybody else are you not going to take advantage of that even if it does stir some people up cause guess what? ‘Controversy creates cash,’ you stir them up enough and people are going to tune in to see what happens next,” he added, stating that a lot of people today do like to complain, and Tyrus starring in a highly-rated show on the politically right-leaning Fox News only adds fuel to the fire. “You gotta at least let things play out before you start criticizing too much.”

Bischoff went on to compare Tyrus’ title run to a TV show that takes a few episodes to gain traction with fans.

“While Tyrus has been around for a while, lets see what creative does for him before you start putting him on the grill.”

You can listen to the complete podcast below: