



“这是一个艰难的问题,人。它在我的血液。我看着里克天赋在他的最后一场比赛,我不想这样做。只要我能摆脱业务和仍然走,因为我需要膝关节置换,但没关系。我会让膝关节置换。我会没事的。我可以到处走走。但我只记得进入的业务,看到几个旧定时器在步行者和轮椅和我说,我不想去,但我们把我们的身体周围,最终会发生的事情。如果我能得到的业务,同时我还可以半享受步行至少和我剩下的生活,这很好,但是我喜欢业务所以我想以某种方式被连接到它。是否只是后台指导,等等,因为我真的爱指导。 It’s a lot of fun for me. A lot of people don’t like it. I love it. I love putting together stuff for these kids to try to figure out and my vision is always different than their vision, and I see them doing it and it’s not my vision and it makes me mad, but it’s what they see my vision as being, so I understand it and I’m patient with that. I love to tell them, hey, man, you did this, you did this, do this next time and then they go out and do it and it works for them. So that’s kind of the knowledge that I want to pass on. So that’s my legacy now is passing on my knowledge to the younger kids.”