Drew McIntyre谈极限规则/ karion Kross, Clash At The Castle Crowd




关于他即将在Extreme Rules与karion Kross的比赛:“不(我不会参加任何常规比赛)。我不这么想。我为公司受苦,为我的艺术受苦——一直在受苦,感觉就像。但这是WWE的主力,我想是WWE的良心。你不会发现罗曼·雷恩斯在做我做的事。我遵守冠军赛程。我很乐意做这件事。我很乐意承担媒体责任。我很高兴能代表公司参加周末的现场活动。这是我的梦想。 It’s a privilege to do it. And if it involves getting beat with chairs … still be involved in the Strap match with Kross, who has managed to divert my attention away from the title, so be it. Even though he keeps attacking me from behind. If it’s not him attacking me, it’s his girl [Scarlett] low blowing me from behind. I’ll do what I have to do get through all these new challenges and get my way back to Roman. And apparently, I’ll have to go through not just The Bloodline – because I did that prior to Clash at the Castle – then the elders and a new member [Solo Sikoa]. I’m going to have to literally go through the entire family like door to door. And I like The Rock a lot. It’s gonna pain me deeply when I go through the entire family, have to go to Hollywood, tap The Rock’s door and say, ‘I’m sorry, brother,’ then beat them him [on] his own doorstep because it’s the only way I’m gonna get that title off Roman.”

关于《Clash at the Castle》的观众有多多:“实际上我主要是为了冠军而战。我很高兴被证明是对的,我们的出席人数如此之多。我们接管了卡迪夫和人群本身是电动整晚和我来的时候,我是真的想这就像Bret Hart-Bulldog匹配,SummerSlam的92可能是,你知道,80 - 20%,70 - 30%的斗牛犬当Bret还是受欢迎的,即使是斗牛犬的家乡…罗马(统治)是一个很受欢迎的人物,但走路,听说反应对我和那些为我吟唱——听到了罗马的仇恨。你知道,自从我回到WWE后,罗曼一直是我的头号对手,我们在一起有很好的化学反应。关于比赛的故事是为了消灭《血脉》。你知道,人们真的准备好了,相信冠军将会易手,这在罗曼统治整整两年的冠军生涯中从未发生过。所以,这是一个难以置信的夜晚和难以置信的感觉。我想我再也听不到那么大声的观众了,我不知道在摔跤比赛中是否有过这么大声的观众。很难找到一场有62000人站起来,做出那种反应的演出,尤其是在最后差点摔倒的时候。那一刻我真的意识到——拥抱它,接受它,记住它,因为有一天当你在门廊的摇椅上退休时,你会想起这场比赛。”
