

我是来自Ring Rust电台和Bleacher Report的Donald Wood。本周我们邀请了WWE名人堂成员戴蒙德·达拉斯·佩奇做客节目,这是一集很棒的节目,有很多独家内容。




Ring Rust电台:虽然你已经用DDP瑜伽帮助了很多人,但DDP Yoga NOW应用程序让人们比以往任何时候都更容易跟上他们的锻炼和营养。你们发布健身工具的最终目标是什么?

钻石达拉斯页面:我们已经在应用程序上工作了多年,我们终于到了可以推广它并让人们了解它的地方。很多人仍然在投资我们的dvd,但最终就像8轨和VHS一样,它们会消失。我一直在用DDP瑜伽应用程序为那一天做准备。这款应用程序真的有我做过的所有锻炼,加上所有专为这款应用程序设计的新锻炼。它们包括儿童锻炼、初级锻炼、中级锻炼和高级锻炼。我们还有新的DDPY重建,这是为55岁以上的人或行动不便的人准备的。如果你起床有困难,或者你被束缚在椅子上,我有锻炼来帮助你。所以我们现在有从孩子到老年人到运动员甚至是资深运动员的训练。最近我一直在和NFL传奇人物做很多工作,让他们进入DDP瑜伽。人们询问我的饮食,以及如何在饮食的同时吃得干净,所以我现在在DDP应用程序上添加了食谱。早餐、午餐、晚餐、沙拉,甚至糖果,它们都有如何准备的视频。我的灵感素材也加载在应用程序上。通过应用程序上的DDP电视,你可以保持联系,保持灵感,投入工作,并通过应用程序上的跟踪功能查看结果。你必须像养活你的身体一样养活你的大脑和心态。无论是通过营养还是锻炼,你都必须去做。 Every Monday I’ve got a different motivational Monday and I share it with everyone so they can turn it around and own it. It’s all about the story you tell yourself. I just wrote a book, it’s not out yet but you can pre-order it on Amazon. It’s called, “Own Your Life” and the opening paragraph starts off with the concept of what would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? I have lived every single dream I have ever had. I break it down throughout my book Own Your Life through my stories and recalling everything from wrestling, to recovery, and creating DDP Yoga.

Ring Rust电台:我们已经看到了其他摔跤手关于DDP瑜伽的鼓舞人心的视频和感词,但我很好奇,在整个日常训练中,你是否有最喜欢做的运动,或者你认为被低估或忽视了的运动。

钻石达拉斯页面:这很有趣,因为有一百万人看过我帮助过的残疾老兵的视频。我让杰克做了,然后杰里科做了,然后AJ也开始做,就像那个视频的多米诺骨牌效应一样。我想说,在DDP瑜伽的成功中,有两个最大的影响者是亚瑟·布尔曼。我们上传了那个视频,那是五年前的事了。任何投资我的第一个项目的人,都没有食物计划,没有灵感,我们没有这些很棒的在线社区,比如DDP瑜伽团队,或者我们的Facebook页面。只有我和每一个投资这个项目的人,我给他们发了一封电子邮件,我会告诉他们,我不是想卖给你们任何东西。您已经购买了程序,我只是发送这封电子邮件作为感谢您相信我正在努力做的事情。我给他们发了五个问题,他们会给我回信,说这不是DDP给我发的邮件。我自己把每一封邮件都剪下来,复制下来,然后发送出去。亚瑟给了我一些很棒的反馈。 So I wrote him back and told him thank you so much for taking the time to do that. I said it sounds like you may need some help and to tell me a little about himself. Well, he wrote back and his cliff notes were: disabled vet, morbidly obese, I’ve relegated to thinking of myself as a piece of furniture. I asked him to send me some pictures so I could see what I am working with. His pictures showed me his knee braces that were attached to his back brace that takes his wife 20 minutes to put on him every single morning as she helps him out of bed and gives him his wrap around canes to hobble to the bathroom. He was 5’6 and 297 pounds. I’m looking at his canes and trying to think of a way to help him out. I sent him one of the food plans I got from a guy named Dr. Fred Bisci. I knew this case was all about health. He sent me back an email saying he thinks he can do it and he will give it a try. I sent him back an email saying awesome and keep me posting, but he didn’t do that. He said, “I can do it” and then I told him to send me his phone number. He was the first guy I ever talked to about the program that I didn’t know. I talked to him, we had a great talk, and two weeks later he called me back to say he lost 20 pounds and 4 inches off his stomach. Now it wasn’t a “real” 4 four inches because he was bloated from eating foods that inflamed his stomach. Once he got off of those, his stomach went down around an inch off his stomach from the first two weeks. All he wanted to lose was 50 pounds so the VA would operate on his knees from botched surgeries. The first month he lost 32 pounds, the next month he lost 22 pounds, the following month was 18 pounds, and that’s 72 pounds in three months. He would go on to lose 140 pounds in ten months. He lost the knee brace, the back brace, the wraparound canes, and now we was able to run. More importantly, he didn’t need to get those knee surgeries after losing weight. This is when I started to learn that the food you put in your body can either heal you or f–k you. Back about 25 years ago, you never saw guys or athletes around 300 pounds that were built like the Fridge William Perry from the Chicago Bears. Today, you look around and you see people easily at 400 pounds walking around. You can even find 5, 6, or 7 hundred pounders around me too. I really suggest movies like Food Inc. and Genetic Roulette. Just to get the education so you know. The last 20 years, obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autism, have all blown through the roof. The main thing that has changed is the food. The pesticides on the food and the genetic modifications to the food. I am 61 years young, and with my training, diet, and conditioning, I can keep up and beat kids training Temple University football team or the Virginia Cavaliers football team. As studly as these studs are, they can’t keep up with me at 61. I eat real food and I am conditioned differently than they are. If I can do this at 61, what could you do?

Ring Rust电台:你最近在WWE的擂台上亮相过几次,包括2015年的Royal Rumble和WrestleMania 32。你有兴趣再一次出场吗?如果被邀请,你觉得你能再一次打出单打吗?

钻石达拉斯页面:我知道我可以,但是在比赛结束的时候我会怎么样呢?风险和回报,都不值得这样的惩罚。文斯让我参加巨人安德烈皇家战斗的原因;还有12个像我和塔坦卡这样的传奇人物。所以在我60岁生日的前几天,被邀请来做这件事,我感到非常荣幸。像Ric Flair和Dory Funk这样的人在60多岁的时候还能做这种工作,也许还有其他一些人,但能做的人很少。对我来说,我知道我能做到,但之后我会觉得很沮丧,对我来说不值得。只要有机会,我就会去找钻石切割师。科迪发现后给我发了条短信,他说这太合适了,他会是第一个拿刀的人。那个孩子现在和卢武铉以及新日本相处得很好。 I have known him since he was seven years old. I would still do that and go out there and hit the cutter out of nowhere. People would jump all over it. I have a picture at WrestleMania where I took a picture of three levels of fans doing the diamond cutter sign in that Dallas stadium. 80% of them were standing there putting up the diamond cutter sign. It was very humbling and all so cool.

Ring Rust电台:排除你自己,即使这是一件好事,谁会在你的职业摔跤山拉什莫尔山?
