

在最新一期的“FTR with Dax Harwood”播客上,Dax Harwood分享了一个关于保罗·海曼的故事,他当时是WWE RAW的首席经纪人。


达克斯说:“所以这是在11月11日左右。“很接近。我们进行了一次长途旅行。我们已经离开很长时间了。我记得在10月到11月之间,我们在家,我和卡什,在家里呆了三天,因为巡演结束了。我们去了中国和沙特,然后去了澳大利亚。我们在英国和爱尔兰做过类似的事情。旅行团被分成了两个不同的旅行团。每个人都完成了一半的巡演。就像,比如,一半的球员在上半场完成了比赛,他们在下半场带来了一个全新的阵容,除了几个人,比如罗曼,他刚刚签了一份新合同,赚了很多钱。 I think Seth as well, maybe. But other than that me and Dan were the only ones who were on the whole tour.”

“巡演结束后,我想我们也准备去NXT,那是在周三。他们想让我们去RAW。我们被征召去参加“打倒”。他们想让我们去RAW。WWE旅游服务公司打电话给我们,告诉我们RAW需要我们,但我们把它弄丢了。我们说。“绝对不会。“当时我们已经在路上连续17天了。就像我说的,回家三天,一个半月什么的。我想我们说,‘我们在做什么?’ They said, ‘Well, right now the creative is you guys are gonna come in and attack Randy’, which is crazy because travel is telling us this. ‘You’re going to attack Randy, and then NXT is going to come in to jump you guys and beat you down.’ We said, ‘No, absolutely not. We’re not coming in to do that.’ They said, ‘Well, they’ve got you scheduled. They need you.’ I said, ‘We’re not doing that. We’re not going to do that.’ ‘Have Heyman, who was booking at the time, have him call us and tell us that.’”

“我们当时在酒店房间里,保罗·海曼给我们打电话。他说,‘嘿,伙计们,我听说你们不想来RAW有些问题。’我们说,‘当然。这是我们的交易。我们很久没回家了。我们是SmackDown。我们今天一定要去NXT。我们为什么要去那里?“好吧,我们需要这样做。”你是这个角度的重要组成部分’我们说,‘好吧,是什么?“好吧,我们要让你最终终止和兰迪的交易。 You’re gonna beat him up.’ I said, ‘What’s gonna happen after that’, which we didn’t want to do that anyway. ‘NXT is going to invade the ring, and you guys are gonna get the sh*t kicked out of you by NXT which is going to set up for some stuff later.’ I said, ‘No, we’re not doing that. I’m sorry.’ I said, ‘Paul, we were told by travel that we had creative for RAW. We’re expecting to go home. I’m going to see my wife and my daughter and we’re told by travel.’ He said, ‘Hang on one second.’ He had the phone right to his mouth. Paul thinks he’s this incredible worker, like, as far as, I mean, he’s a great carny. Let’s just put it like that. He says, ‘Hey Vince, yeah, It’s The Revival. Yep. Yeah, they were told by travel. Can you believe that Vince?’ ‘Yeah, Vince can’t believe that either. He can’t believe you guys were told by travel what your creative was.’ He said, ‘Vince, what do you think?’ It was such a carny thing to do. We said, ‘Paul, we’re absolutely not going to be there. We can’t do that. I’m going to go home to see my family.’ He said, ‘Hang on one second.’ ‘Vince. They said they cant. They want to go see their family. Yeah, I think they should, too. Yeah, I think it’s a great idea.’ ‘Alright guys, so I’m going to talk to Vince a little bit more, but we think we’ve got you off that RAW.’ Okay. It was like, ‘Man, we know you’re not talking to Vince. We know he’s not there.’”



(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)