
Darby Allin在上周的《AEW Dynamite》节目中剪辑了一段摔跤手在推特上抱怨并想解除合同的宣传片。达克斯·哈伍德在他的FTR与Dax播客并评论了他是否认为Allin指的是他。

“我会恳请很多人看看我到底在抱怨什么。我是在抱怨还是在说真话?我从未说过有人反对我或有公司在埋葬我。我以前从没这么说过。我说的都是实话。我不认为,我也没有,达比的事,当我听到的时候,我不认为他一定是在说我。我很了解他所谈论的一些人。达比和我关系很好。我会说我们是好朋友。我想他不是(在说我)。 If he was, I would ask him, and maybe I will ask him when I see him. I would ask him to come talk to me and let’s clear the air and figure that out. I don’t necessarily think he was talking about me because I have respect for him, I think he has respect for me, and we’ve worked together quite a few times and we talk every week. I understand what he was saying and where he was coming from. The internet, Twitter people, they can find anything on Twitter. I’m asking them to go and find where I have actually complained. I’m just telling my truth. If I didn’t stand up for me and FTR, I don’t know if we would be in the position we are right now.”



(h/t抄写给Jeremy Lambert)