


“这是令人兴奋的消息。我很高兴我终于不用再瞒着别人了。这几周很难熬。每个人都问,‘嘿,卡梅拉在哪里?“她很好,她只是不在这里,我不能告诉你为什么。”“消息出来了。每个人的快乐。每个人的健康。这绝对是从单调的日常生活中解脱出来的一次令人兴奋的休息。大事正朝我们走来。我是一个幸运的人。 I’m a very, very grateful man. I’ve got a lovely wife. We’ve got an amazing group of kids who are excited to welcome a new addition. So thank you. Thank you to everybody. My social media has literally not stopped. I’ve been able to scroll non-stop for like three days now without seeing the same thing twice. Just kind of waiting until the storm blows by before I drop an official thank you to everybody who has left us well wishes or messages or DM’ or text messages. I honestly could never reply to all of the wonderful messages I’ve gotten if I spent the rest of my life doing so. So I’ll just hit you all with one big blanket, thank you.”

如果他觉得本周六在Backlash与Big Bunny的比赛是他职业生涯中最重要的比赛:



“我们都是完全不同的,这很疯狂,但这很有效。他们在一起的时候,多姆一直活在他爸爸的阴影里。当他第一次加入审判日时,他处于阴影之中。他不再是了。他是自己的明星,不需要任何人的帮助。他带来了一种完全不同的热度。他的风格,他的举止,给了我们一个机会去汲取一些不同的东西,创造一些特别的东西。我们帮助他,他也帮助了我们。他对审判日很重要。我不知道没有他的审判日是什么样子。 Without Dom, I say we’re not as strong. I don’t think we’re as popular. I think he’s definitely helped a lot and he’s grown as a performer. He’s grown as a person. I say this all the time, and I guess it could go like, ‘Yeah, he’s supposed to say that’, but we really are like a family now. I mean, we talk all the time. I’m here in PR waiting for him to get here so we can hang out. That’s the way we are now. As a friend, a brother, as a co worker, I am extremely proud of him. It’s cool to be there. I have the best seat in the house to watch him do his thing and it’s special. I love it.”


“我不确定他是否理解。他不能,否则他也不会做出那样的决定。我真的相信他看着镜子里的自己他没有想过会发生什么。他在思考这个问题。听起来很酷。听起来很棒。我可以在粉丝面前炫耀。大家都会很开心的。我可以在家人面前表演。不。 He’s not looking at what’s going to happen. What’s gonna happen is, he’s gonna get into the ring and I’m gonna beat the living hell out of him and I’m not going to feel bad. If anything, I’m probably going to come at him harder than I would another superstar just out of spite. I said this before that I am not going to his concerts, getting on stage, grabbing the mic, and starting to sing his songs, but yet he thinks he could get in the ring and fight like I do. You’re crazy. You’re crazy if you think that’s just going to fly and it’s gonna be okay. He’s crazy to think that just because we were cool that maybe I’m not going to hurt him as bad. He’s not walking out of the arena. He is not walking out.”

