
在最近的After the Bell播客中,Corey Graves批评了Rusev/Lana的故事线,并谈到了WWE如何试图重新创造态度时代的错误部分:

“我们怀念的态度时代的东西不是俗气、杰瑞·施普林格的故事情节、四个字母的单词和胸部。态度时代是很棒的,因为你有一群超级明星,他们被允许解决问题,允许做自己,允许交流,而不是被归类或被迫在这些垃圾环境中,”格雷夫斯说。“每隔一段时间,就会有一个可怕的故事情节,但人们都能做到,因为你可以嘲笑自己。那是舌吻。才华让彼此变得更好。这是一场比赛,一夜又一夜。你得想办法活下去。有很多可怕的故事情节。Mae Young生了一只手。这是凯蒂·维克。 Some of the worst storylines in the history of the business took place in the Attitude Era. But as a whole, the business was on fire because everyone had to step up, even if you were in a garbage circumstance, you had an opportunity to make your own path. That’s what we need, that’s what we as fans miss from the Attitude Era. Not crude storylines, lewdness, ‘puppies’ and jokes like that. More action and guys who are badasses allowed to be badasses and be entertaining.”