


“几周前,我和克里斯·杰里科摔跤。我想分享我和克里斯·杰里科摔跤时差点丧命的故事。我讲这个故事不是为了找借口,没有人会知道,每个人都在称赞我的比赛,我很感激。这是一个有趣的故事,20年后我会嘲笑它。在那一刻,我没有笑。在我的洗衣房里放着我的摔跤装备,我洗护膝和背心,我不晾干,我把它们挂起来晾干。当然,我会洗我的摔跤袜。我不知道我的摔跤袜去哪了,反正去了什么地方。我喜欢黑色的长筒摔跤袜,这样我的靴子和护膝之间就没有空隙了。我不想要通风的皮肤,所以我喜欢长袜子。 Before I wrestled Jericho, I had to go out and buy new socks,” he said before saying he went to Target at the last minute and bought compression socks.”

“我和克里斯·杰里科摔跤。那场比赛,有很多情绪,有很多紧张。我非常焦虑,紧张,大楼里很热。当我去摔跤杰里科,我穿上我的压缩袜,护膝和靴子。我没有意识到的是,我实际上是在我的下半身做了一个止血带。我的血液流动是完美的,所以基本上我所做的就是限制一切。我清楚地记得当时我在想,‘我的腿没知觉了。我想只是紧张吧。是紧张和焦虑,但也是紧身袜的原因。当我完成了向外的月球式飞行,不得不跑进拳击台给杰里科一个飞行的屁眼时,我身体里已经什么都没有了。 I attributed it to the night of wrestling, but no, it was because I cut off the supply of blood to my own legs, causing high blood pressure and low oxygen. I knew I was on live TV and it was big moment for me, I figured a way to do it to Jericho knowing the match would come to an end very quickly, it did, I could not move as I made my way back to the trainer’s room asking for electrolytes and the trainer being like, ‘We’re not sure what’s going on.’ I ripped my singlet off, I couldn’t breathe, I had a headache, I felt lightheaded,’ he said before taking off his boots, kneepads, and informing the doctors that he was wearing compression socks. The eye’s of the trainers were like, ‘what?’ I was asked to lay back for the next two hours while ice was put all over my body. I was educated as to why you should not professionally wrestle in front of 10,000 people and almost a million people at home in compression socks.”


(h/t转Jeremy Lambert)