



“这个行业里有一些传奇人物,他们对我们如何做摔跤非常挑剔,因为他们赚钱了。他们做到了。他们是对的。他们引起了人们的兴趣。他们得到了热量。他们做得很好。他们坚信只有一种方法可以做到。我发现,不管你怎么做,如果人们站起来,如果他们有反应,如果他们在跳,或者如果他们站着,不要去评判。如果他们感到高兴,这就是正确的做法。而且摔角爱好者也进化了很多。 Most of them are longtime fans. They’ve been sitting watching the same stuff. We’ve got to change. The NFL has changed. Sports have all changed. The game is fast. Then you hear these dudes, you’ll hear people, ‘Oh, I’m old school, man. I’m meat and potatoes.’ Nine times out of 10 that means you’re lazy. Like, buddy, can you do something? I’m all about the moments too. I believe it, but the moments and the moves, it’s both.”


“最愚蠢的是,我从15岁就开始了职业摔跤训练。没有人受伤。我觉得自己刀枪不入。穿着人字拖走进健身房。在健身房穿人字拖,这可不是好兆头。打开一杯咖啡。坐到长凳上。放295号。还没热身呢。本来是四分之一。 The dude on the other side of the gym, you know, testosterone Phil, just me and this other dude. I have no idea who this man is. I don’t know why he’s grimacing at me. I’m grimacing at him now. The plot thickens. He’s doing his full CrossFit routine, like taking up the whole jungle gym. It’s just me and him in there. I’m going to show you dude. I just unrack it and it went right away. I felt it. I didn’t need to kick the weights off. They flew off. Then this dude, who I’ve been having this moment with, runs over, ‘Hey, Man, are you okay?”




“他们真的很酷,我想文斯知道我不会拒绝的。我可能不得不接受拒绝,但我只是不想谈这个。我和他聊得很开心,他说得很清楚,‘嘿,伙计。如果你还在挣扎,我们就得结束了。’我说,‘好吧。“嗯,当你和塞斯摔跤的时候,总是很挣扎。当你在地狱的牢房里时,这是一种挣扎,但我确实理解,他们让我说完。拳台上的裁判,蜘蛛,这是他的绰号,他一直在和我说话,因为我当时在z星球上。我真的,我仍然很震惊,因为你知道,震惊呕吐,你觉得你要吐了,你骨折了或其他什么。我撞到前面的东西了。我刚摆好,就像是坐着拍的。我坐直了,它来了。 I’m going to throw up and they’re gonna instantly ring the bell. I think if I would have thrown up, they would have been, ‘okay.’ because people like watching a car wreck, but there’s a limit to it.”


(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)