



“哦,我认为这是很有趣,这是将声音,也许这听起来很奇怪,只是一个摔跤手。我真的很震惊,我的经验,我已经骄傲在执行某种元素和作为一个经理,它是不同的。这并不是我醒来热爱的东西。等我醒来,想要一个摔跤手。所以我这里的时间已经不是我设想,但到目前为止,比我想象的大,因为你忘记回来,直到你在达拉斯的一个摔角狂热,你忘记了大小,听众,WWE的渗透,接下来你知道到处都看到你的脸,不是政治活动为你的脸,嘿,他们,他们在这。和真诚的。这是我试过了,被视为一种指南如果你知道他们到你,你就会知道他们不是。你必须非常诚实。和我有。我知道这不是真的完全回答你的问题。 It’s more of a ramble. I have just been lucky. I’ve been very lucky, and I’m very blessed that it’s, that it’s gone this way. I had no clue how it would go. I told Randy [Orton] before I went out in Dallas [WrestleMania 38] that I thought they were gonna boo. I did. I thought they were gonna boo. Seth had carried the whole story to mania and I was the other guy and they didn’t. I just told your partner this, but they got it. I didn’t have to say belt. I didn’t have to do this thing, which I, of course, loved doing, but I didn’t have to do it. They got it. They realized, ‘Oh, that’s what he came back for.’ And in the process of coming back for that, I’ve received so much more than I could have ever, ever asked for. So that’s been a blessing.”


“最艰难的部分是,我们现在在一代,其中一个原因为什么会成为一个最成功的和健康的职业摔跤、体育娱乐、时间的最大挑战之一是你在其他男孩和女孩谁可以在你的地方,也许在你的地方,然后你把它弄回来。这不是一个消极的事情。政治参与任何类型的娱乐,但是他们真的,我觉得,因为删除,因为我们有很多成熟的男人和女人现在。夏洛特天赋不是NXT夏洛特。赛斯罗林斯盾赛斯。凯文·欧文斯不是卢武铉凯文•欧文斯。他们已经经历了它。他们觉得生活人群。他们理解预订。他们理解翻钱,一切,他们明白,现在我们都在一起。 One of my favorite things, and I think one of the reasons why I have been in the best position I’ve been in my career is because on the same show I compete with a guy, the World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins, every week, and it’s not negative. He would like to be the Raw face, and I would like to be the Raw face. I don’t know, some weeks, maybe we trade it off, but that is what makes this good. Competition is what makes this good, and I needed to compete against the very best. Seth, I say he’s top three, one of the very best, Roman being one of the very best. That’s what has been able to bring out the very best in me.”