

前AEW执行副总裁科迪·罗兹(Cody Rhodes)在《综合格斗时间》(The MMA Hour)上露面时,打破了沉默,谈到了2022年All Out PPV之后CM Punk在后台与The Elite的争吵。

“我第二天早上醒来,我没有开玩笑,我想有63条信息。所以我很担心有人会说我或布兰迪的坏话。我已经尽力了。我付出了很多。我在AEW有美好的回忆,真的。所以我希望这是相互尊重的,对吧?所以我很担心。我当时想,‘我希望有人能拍一个奇怪的镜头,就像这样。但事实并非如此。是关于这次新闻发布会之类的。我和马特,尼克,肯尼的关系都很好。 It definitely was tested by being young executives. It was tested by having different opinions on wrestling, but our different opinions is what made it strong. That’s what made us work. I want to do Crockett and old school and they want to do PWG and West Coast and damn, I loved it. That contention is what made us bond. We’re bonded forever because of the things we did. I also had a great relationship with Punk. He was my dinner buddy. They’d order dinner for me at AEW every week, it was one of my management perks or whatever. I don’t think he knew, I always just put it on my tab because I wanted to make sure he was getting something. So we didn’t talk a lot, but I got a great relationship with him. I was so excited to have him back, and like even if you remember when he came back, everyone was fired up about that, everybody. So when I watched it just from me sitting there, I was not — there was some people texting me. I remember somebody texted me, ‘Man, you’re the smartest guy in the room. I wanted to write back like, ‘F— you, man.’ I don’t feel that way. I feel this thing we built got damaged. I’m not putting any blame on anybody. Sorry, super Switzerland.”

“我不会责怪任何人。我只是讨厌看到这些。因为随着公司的发展,我希望它能继续发展。我希望人们首先记住这次任务,以及我们为什么要去那里。如果你让不了解任务的人进来,就会发生这样的事情。我不是说他不知道这个任务或者类似的事情,只是我很沮丧。这就是我的感觉,我很沮丧。因为我有——你赢得了冠军,这是你帽子上的羽毛。你赢得了皇家摔跤比赛,这是你帽子上的羽毛。建立一个替代摔跤推广绝对是一个帽子上的羽毛。我不希望它被抹去。我不想让这种感觉消失。另外,摔跤并没有人们想象的那么多工作。 There’s about 1000 people who work there structurally, infrastructure and talent. I’m proud of them. I want to make sure they’re able to feed their families and that was a situation that was so big and heavy. I don’t think it was helpful. I don’t know, maybe you could make it helpful. Maybe you can do something with it. That’s how I felt. No heat on Punk. No heat on Matt, Nick, Kenny, or Tony, I was just bummed out when I saw it. That’s not how we envisioned it. The spirit of ‘All In,’ if you ever lose the spirit, you’re lost. I think the spirit was gone in that moment, doesn’t mean can’t get it back, but it was just a bummer.”


(h / tFightful.com转录)