


“我做的第一件事是,我的第一想法是我要NXT上船来。因为我想,我不是一个启动子。我不知道将人从印度群岛。如果我可以使用一个公司,然后他们可以发送任何他们想要的。我不需要担心它的一部分。他们可以匹配。他们可以有任何他们想做的事情。所以我向猎人[3 H]在费城。我记得我有一个会议与他有NXT巡航。现在人们认为我疯了。 They always think I’m nuts when I have these ideas like ‘How are you gonna have wrestling in the middle of the ocean?’ I’m like, ‘Well dude I just played a f*cking rock show in the middle the ocean. It’s the same thing.’ Sometimes it’s a little bit [wobbly] but most of the time it’s pretty smooth. It’s not dangerous.”

“所以我和NXT交谈一段时间然后在经典的世界时尚,他们终于在一群叫我叫约为7人,并且花了45分钟告诉我,他们不感兴趣。我喜欢你可能只是说‘嘿,伙计们,我们不感兴趣。再见。“45分钟。我发现的原因是,这是经典,文斯麦克马洪不喜欢邮轮。因为他刚刚看到的消息,我想有一个巡航,一群人食物中毒。发生了一件事,像什么。这不会发生在巡航。我保证。他确信每一个巡航,人死于食物中毒,他说,“是的,他的担心可能是船的问题。,“我像什么? He’s scared it’s gonna hit an f*cking iceberg? We’re going to Mexico, it’s fine.’ So anyways NXT passed and as soon as that 45 minute waste of time call was done, I picked up the phone and called Cody who connected me with Hunter Delirious who connected me with Joe Koff of Ring of Honor. We had the Ring of Honor deal done in about 10 minutes. That quick.”
