



“我反复考虑是否要发这个帖子,因为我并不是在寻求任何形式的同情,但由于今天是婴儿失去意识月的最后一天,我想分享我的故事。今天,我因宫外孕接受了治疗。我从没想过这样的事情会发生在我身上,尤其是在9月份经历了一次早期流产之后。怀孕检测结果呈阳性后,没有什么能让你对这个消息有所准备。在经历了早期的损失之后,这一次我谨慎地持乐观态度,但还是抱着最好的希望。周六,我在急诊室里呆了12个小时,然后我开始感到我的左侧有些剧痛。经过几次检查和超声波检查,我得知了一个令人震惊的消息:这实际上是一次异常怀孕。我之所以分享这一切,是因为在那一刻,我感觉很孤独。为什么从来没人谈论过这件事?我丈夫和我上周看了@ilizas的新喜剧特别节目,她公开谈论了她的流产。 I immediately burst into tears. She went on to explain that we should be speaking more openly about this topic so we, as women, don’t blame ourselves and think there’s something wrong with us. I want to do the same. I’m part of this statistic and it’s happening to me. Again, I’m not looking for sympathy, I know I’ll eventually recover from all of this mentally, physically and emotionally. For anyone dealing with ANY type of pregnancy loss, I want you to know your feelings and emotions are valid, there is NOTHING wrong with you and you are not alone.”
