Caprice Coleman Talks About Advice Given To Him By Jim Ross Regarding Wrestling Commentary

Caprice Coleman recently appeared as a guest on Busted Open Radio for an in-depth interview covering all things pro wrestling.

During the discussion, the Ring Of Honor commentator revealed advice he was given about wrestling commentary by arguably the greatest to ever do it — Jim Ross.

Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On reaching out to Jim Ross for advice:“I actually reached out to JR one time, and he had no clue who I was. It was on Messenger, and I told him I was a commentator and that I want to get better and this, and he sent me a message a couple of days later. He said, ‘Hey, I saw your message. I’m not ignoring you, I’m just very busy,’ and I didn’t expect him to reply at all.”

吉姆·罗斯给他如何伟大的反馈:“Then, he sent me like paragraph after paragraph of things to do to get better. He was like, ‘Broaden your vocabulary, study, know what you’re talking about, know the athletes, know the moves, know this.’ I’m like, you know, if you ask somebody how to get better and they’re the best at it and they tell you and you don’t do it, who’s fault is it?”

Check out the complete Caprice Coleman interview by H/T toWrestlingInc.comfor transcribing the above quotes.