Breaking Down AEW Dynamite (2/8/2023)

(Photo Credit: AEW)

In a championship night on Dynamite, once again this show was very wrestling heavy and very good. MJF was in action against Konosuke Takeshita in a great match, Bryan Danielson will get is match at Revolution after his brutal match, and we have new tag team champions.

MJF vs Konosuke Takeshita

It was the champion to open the show, and what an opener it was. We saw a couple of things out of MJF that we haven’t seen before, notably one where both guys were on the top turnbuckle and Takeshita clotheslined him off, only for MJF to flip and land on his feet, in what was an incredible show of athleticism. The focus was on the arm of Takeshita. One thing about Takeshita is he has one of the best blue-thunder bombs currently, it looks beautiful. But the focus on the arm was too much for Takeshita, and he tapped to MJF’s armbar.

After the match, in typical MJF fashion, used the diamond ring, and hit Takeshita with it busting him open, then started attacking him, until Bryan came out and made the save. This was a fantastic match and it once again proved how good MJF in the ring and not just on the mic. Takeshita impressed again, no shockers there and following this, get him some wins and get him into a mid card title picture for now, I think it’d be fantastic.

Jamie Hayter vs The Bunny

Another eliminator match, this time with the women and while it didn’t have the appeal of the first match it was still a fairly solid match, and it was good to see the women go on earlier in the show instead of where they typically are. Jamie Hayter is so damn good and the reactions she gets tells you a lot, and now, she is effectively a babyface so the in ring work can shine a bit more too. As she is the champion she obviously won the match.

Following the match, Saraya and Toni Storm were on screen beating on Leva Bates, really portraying them as the bullies in this situation, but outside of that, not much progression here. I suspect next week or maybe the week after something bigger may happen, whether it be a match announcement, a heel turn of some sort. Then the stage can be set for what will probably be a 6 woman tag at Revolution.

The Garcia Guevara Gauntlet

So Ricky Starks went into this needing to win all of the matches in this gauntlet to get a match with Chris Jericho. First, Angelo Parker, who was beat in two minutes, then Matt Menard who Starks beat in incredibly quick time. Next up was Daniel Garcia, in which they had a solid enough match until a masked man in the crowd delivered a Judas Effect to Ricky Starks while they were on the outside. And it was fairly obvious that it was Jericho but once Garcia pinned Starks then it was indeed revealed to be Chris Jericho.

This is clearly setting up for Jericho and Starks for Revolution, I don’t see a weekly gauntlet like we have just seen with Bryan Danielson but we could see Starks slowly take out each member of the JAS until he gets to Jericho at Revolution. However it happens, the Starks v Jericho feud should be done once the match happens at the PPV. Starks is doing really well right now though, despite the loss here.

Rush vs Bryan Danielson

The last of Bryan’s gauntlet set by MJF and this match more than the other ones he has been through, MJF was really trying desperately to have Bryan lose this match any way. So it started out with Bryan in the trainer’s room, and Rush locked him in there. Rush made his entrance, followed by MJF who came out and told referee Aubrey Edwards to ring the bell and then count Bryan out, he then tells her to count faster, and she takes her time and all of this was so entertaining. Throughout this, Bryan busts through the trainers room door, and ran down to the ring by about the count of 6. MJF was on commentary.

This match was physical, it was incredible, and really shown Rush as a proper last opponent to get to MJF. Just amazing, the caliber of matches Bryan is delivering is unbelievable. Bryan went through so much in this match, punishment from Rush and it took two running knees to get the job done. So it was then made official, MJF vs Bryan Danielson at Revolution in a 1 hour Iron Man match.

After the match MJF attacked Bryan and applied his armbar and the segment ended with guys trying to pry MJF off Bryan. So now that the gauntlet is over, presumably Bryan gets a week off and then we might get a fun promo battle which could be good because realistically, we haven’t seen many Bryan promos yet, so it would be cool to get some of those.

The Elite vs Top Flight & AR Fox – AEW Trios Championships

Considering this was a match between two groups that go out and fly around, you knew what to expect, and they delivered, it was a great match and The Elite once again retain the Trios titles, there isn’t too much to say about what went on. The biggest thing here is where do the titles go from here. A few weeks ago I would have said the House of Black, but they haven’t shown up for weeks now, which is insane, because realistically that should be the next feud, so if not them, then who? I guess the Blackpool Combat Club could be primed for a spot considering they are in action on Rampage. If that is the case, that would be worth it I think, but we’ll see.

The Acclaimed vs The Gunns – AEW Tag Team Championships

这有一个真实的possibility for a title change, and a possible turn for Billy Gunn. One of these things happened and it was The Gunns winning the titles. A solid choice here, and they got some insane heat for winning the titles. The crowd didn’t like it and good, because now we have a solid heel team holding the titles and when they get beat it’ll be a great moment. How it went down, the ref took a huge bump, which ultimately led to The Gunns using the titles to hit Bowens with, and ended up getting the win.

Billy Gunn was taken out by his sons when he came out, this is interesting. Is it all a ploy is the question, I think it may be, because The Gunns would massively benefit from having their father alongside them, and why not get this done at Revolution. So I think we get a rematch at Revolution, and Billy Gunn may very well turn on The Acclaimed to rejoin his sons and reform the Gunn Club. I could see it working too, because The Acclaimed are over, and if Billy were to turn on them, The Gunns now have massive heat they can carry with them.

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