Booker T对荷兰壁炉的公然虚假的评论他


WWE名人堂成员Booker T最近在他的播客,“名人堂”,关于各种职业摔跤的主题包括荷兰壁炉的评论他,说他觉得Booker T比TNA的品牌时:


“当我第一次到达TNA他们给了我一个传说冠军,一个我见过的最漂亮的皮带在我的生活,我甚至不知道什么是皮带。从来没有人向我解释或类似的东西。没有人给我任何方向,标题是什么意思。这就是我所说的结构。我要做的第一件事就结构而言,如果我有一个传奇进入我公司,我们创造一个传奇冠军对他来说,他会知道。我惊讶于自己传奇锦标赛。我说,哦,你是在和我开玩笑吗?这就像有人得到的礼物。但再一次,这是摔跤。一切都应该是谈论和一切都在桌子上。 For Dutch to say that, I don’t know where it’s coming from.”

”他说我那里TNA的唯一原因是因为WWE包装我。他们给了他他的注意。我从来没有解雇任何公司的任何工作在这个行业。我从来没有被解雇了,而不是一次,在那里他得到了他的信息,他说他听到。这是传闻。这是传闻。你可能想要得到你的消息当你说东西因为这只是公然虚假。他说WWE不会延长我的合同。就我个人而言,我讨厌谈论业务,内部业务。如果我不谈论它,没有人应该谈论它。 But as far as my contract being renewed, I was at the top of my game when I left WWE. I don’t know if he realized that. King Booker was at the top of his game. I was at the main event status when I left WWE. There was no reason for me to leave WWE but to get my mind right. I was going through a lot of personal stuff at that time that I don’t even want to talk about. Trust me, Dutch Mantel has no idea about what I was going through in my personal life at that time.”

”他还说我正在寻找某个地方在WWE TNA让我走,我发现它。TNA打电话给我。我是在新港海滩的沙滩上,加州TNA打电话给我时,让我回来工作。我是20磅体重过重和一切。我向上帝发誓,我不得不推迟TNA因为我不得不节食连续一个月。那是我的地方。我没有意图的摔跤的地方,但提供了。这是一个很好的报价,你知道,一年70天之类的。我抓住了它。这并不像是我打破了银行或任何东西。 He said I felt like I was bigger than the company. Seemed like I would have been one bigger than the company money when I came in if that’s the case. I had a measly contract in TNA because it wasn’t about the money. I was just trying to stay in shape and keep myself motivated.”


关于曼特尔声称Booker T TNA可能很难处理:

“让我们直说了吧,东西我真的从来没有真的想谈,直到我看到故事的人在那个时候TNA称Booker T, Booker T是,我喜欢,这是真的。事情是这样的,你知道为什么这不是真的吗?因为你不听所有的年轻人谁是有关在那家公司说什么-布克·乔问萨摩亚。问AJ。问粗鲁。问杰致命。问泽维尔森林。问所有这些家伙。这就是你要做的。不要问富人阶层。 Talk to the boys.

曼特尔的评论Booker T TNA想改变计划和完成:

“我可能会有一些与杰夫(Jarrett)当我在那里。我有一些与文斯(Russo)当然只是因为他写的一切。迪克西,我从来没有一个与她谈论比赛一次。没有一个时候我和迪克西卡特谈谈公司的摔跤比赛。从来没有。没有一个时间。我周围的反弹,据你所知,这个完成的概念是什么?你知道,如果是我不喜欢的东西,我想说我不喜欢它。只是这么简单。这并不像是我感觉反映别人或类似的东西,但是我特别想要的,我真的不关心其他人的段是什么样子,但我确实想要的部分我会在某种方式。 I did. I did want that just because I’m a professional. I’m a perfectionist. I want the fans to be entertained. If I’m getting the hell beat out of me, I want the fans to actually really believe it. You know what I mean? So I need everything to be proper when this is going on. For instance, like I said I hate talking about insider business, but I need stuff to be right. At one point, I think I was having an ambulance match with Robert Roode. I think it may have been Robert Roode. It was before the ambulance match. You know, before the match ever happened, they had a prop out there. They wanted me to beat the hell out of Robert Roode and throw him in the ambulance, hit the door, and then the ambulance drive off. I go, ‘Wait a minute. He’s the babyface. Shouldn’t he be beating me up and throwing me in the ambulance?’ I say that because I didn’t care about me being beat up and thrown in the ambulance. I just wanted it to be right. If me speaking up on stuff like that makes me difficult to work with, good God, I feel for this business.”

曼特尔声称Booker T使用TNA的英国口音,没有人知道为什么:

“我开始做了英国口音,但一度荷兰说,他不知道是从哪里来的。他在办公室工作。所以他去了文斯Russo。他说他不知道是从哪里来的。这就是我所说的结构。杰夫不知道是从哪里来的。没有人知道它从哪里来。好了,现在我明白了。你们办公室的人。也许你想去问人才,‘嘿,伙计。 What are you doing using this accent? We don’t want this on the show.’ That’s what I’m talking about as far as structure. No one was telling me what to do. No one was telling me what not to do. No one wrote a promo for me or anything like that. If I’m wrong here about something, let me know, but I think I’m 100% right about structure and that proves it.”


(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)