Booker T讨论曼迪罗斯从WWE释放


WWE NXT播音员Booker T在他的播客上讨论了曼迪·罗斯从WWE的释放。

他说:“这是一个糟糕的情况,公司被置于他们必须做些什么的情况下,曼迪·罗斯将自己置于这样的情况下。“让自己置身于一个情境中,”我总是这么说。这是真实的。你把自己置身其中,然后发生了一些事情。这正是这里发生的事情。我一开始就和曼迪·罗斯在一起,从《足够坚强》开始。我看着她如此努力地工作,她没有赢,但她给我的印象很深,以至于我想,‘给她一份合同,让她参加比赛。“事情并没有在主名单上发生,她回到NXT,在过去的413天里一直作为冠军,创造了我们几十年来看到的最令人惊叹的女性之一。她把自己放在一个很好的位置,被视为一个主要的超级明星,像Trish Stratus。人们将永远记住Trish,因为她在WWE和她在赛场上所做的一切。 Trust me, Trish Stratus, now, is able to do all of that, OnlyFans or whatever else, and is going to be able to make more money from being a WWE Superstar for so many years. What I’m saying is, I hate it because that money was going to always be there for Mandy Rose. It was like money in the bank. She didn’t even need it right now. It was money in the bank for Mandy Rose. I could be wrong, maybe she does need it right now. I don’t know. What I’m saying is, the bigger her star would have risen in the WWE, the more money she would have been able to demand going forward in life. Out of sight, out of mind. Being on TV is so important to being relevant. These days, they say, ‘We don’t need TV, we can do our own thing,’ of course you can, but your star is not going to shine as bright.”

“我已经活了很长时间了。我要抛出一个类比,这是目前世界上最愚蠢的类比。我以前很喜欢《吉利根之岛》就为了看金格·格兰特的电影。她是你曾经见过的最性感,最性感的女人,就像你想看到的女人。如果她在拍色情片或者暴露自己,你觉得他们会让她在《吉利根之岛》里演那个角色吗?这是公司的事情。这与其他任何事情都没有关系。这是公司的事情。希望曼迪·罗斯能重回WWE赛场。这样的事情会过去的,这取决于曼迪为了弥补这一切,比什么都重要。 She’s very sexual, but working for WWE, they go together in aspects, but in certain aspects, certain things you’re not going to get away with.”


(h/t抄写给Jeremy Lambert)