Bobby Lashley Interested In Forming A Tag Team With Brock Lesnar

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar have been at odds for the past year, but could they one day form a fearsome tag team?

When Lashley returned to WWE in 2018, he made no secret of his desire to face Lesnar, and he eventually got the match at the 2022 Royal Rumble event.

Lesnar and Lashley have met in WWE singles action three times, with all three of their matches ending in controversy.

On Sony Sports Network’s Next Stop Hollywood, Lashley discussed burying the hatchet with Lashley in order to form a team.

At WWE WrestleMania 39, Brock Lesnar is set to face Omos, while Lashley is set to face Bray Wyatt.

You can watch a clip from the interview below: