Big Takeaways From WWE RAW (4/3/2023) And SmackDown (4/7/2023)

(Photo Credit: WWE)

The fallout from WrestleMania 39, RAW, and Smackdown this week could not have been more different in the quality of shows. RAW was terrible, with illogical booking at points, short matches, and just boring. Smackdown however was a fun show, with some good wrestling. Triple H also had an announcement to make.

Brock to enter a feud with Cody Rhodes

Coming out of WrestleMania, we had Cody coming out to confront Roman Reigns after he was defeated the night before. So Cody challenged Roman and Solo to a tag match, and Brock Lesnar showed up seemingly accepting to be Cody’s partner. Come the main event, predictably, Brock turned on Cody, and we never did get that main event, but the show went off the air with this angle where Lesnar beat Cody up for a solid 10 minutes to close the show.

This is going to set the plate for Cody’s struggle to get back into the title picture and against Roman. The match will most likely take place at Backlash, and there is a chance that we see a second match between them at King of the Ring in Saudi. But while this feud could be very interesting, the matches need to be a decent length, not just finisher spamming. It should be like the Punk vs. Lesnar match, like Lesnar vs. Styles, Like Bryan vs. Lesnar. They need to go out there and put on a great outing that will make Cody look the best he can.

Triple H announces a draft

It is official that we will be getting a WWE draft in a few weeks. Triple H came out on Smackdown to basically announce that a draft would be taking place in a few weeks, no date announced yet, and that everyone would be eligible to be drafted. So I like that we will be getting a draft after WrestleMania like this, because it makes sense, unlike when it was done in October. But it will allow fresh feuds to form and maybe, get the brand split back to being an actual brand split.

Sheamus and Gunther not over?

On Smackdown there was a 6 man tag held between The Brawling Brutes and Imperium. This one the Brawling Brutes won, and it teased Sheamus and Gunther again. Sheamus did not win the Intercontinental title at WrestleMania like a lot of people thought he would. Now that it looks like this may not be over, we could get one final match between these two come Money in the Bank in London, where finally Sheamus dethrones the unbeatable Gunther, in their third one on one encounter. Because I think it was held off on, a Sheamus win, because it was a triple threat, and not a one on one match where maybe the moment will be bigger and more monumental.

The LWO vs Judgement Day is the next big faction feud

Smackdown continued the running story of the LWO vs Judgement Day with a tag team match. Santos and Rey vs Dominik and Priest. Priest picked up the win seeing as Judgement Day lost twice at Mania. Not just that though, they are building a Rey & Bad Bunny pairing to take on Dominik and Priest. Because also on RAW, Priest took out Bad Bunny by taking him out and putting him through the announce table, which looked brilliant. So that’ll be the match for Backlash in Puerto Rico I believe. It just makes the most sense.

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