Ari Daivari谈到了反托拉斯检察官组织的起源

Ari Daivari是#AllElite。


在讨论中,这位前WWE巨星谈到了他的AEW地位,以及Trustbusters (Ari Daivari, Parker Boudreaux, Sonny Kiss, Slim J和Jeeves Kay)团队的组建。

“如果有人记得,在《AEW Dark》的几集里,我和另一个叫Invictus Khash的家伙摔跤。他实际上来自你们(Aubrey Edwards)所在的西雅图地区,”Daivari在露面时表示。“非常好的摔跤手,他和我一样是波斯同胞。我们是随机组成的标签队,我们一起演了几部《黑鬼》,进展得很顺利。我真的很喜欢跟他在一起,他是个聪明的孩子。他来自伊朗,波斯语说得很好,这很酷。我认为这对我们来说是一件很酷的事情,然后是非常有才华的演员。”

Daivari继续说道:“但是很明显,Tony (Khan)并不是真的对我有感觉,有一天我出现了,我发现我和一个叫Slim j的人在一起,我说,‘好吧。那天,我和卡什实际上有配套的装备,因为我们一起贴了几次标签,我们最终去买了配套的装备。就像,好吧,我们要成为一个标签团队,让我们真正地做这个,我出现了,我说,‘Slim J?我在哪儿听过这个名字?’我说,好吧,随你便,然后他就向我走来。他说,‘嘿,我是Slim。我们在一起工作,我想,好吧,这很有趣。我和卡什有单打比赛,然后托尼出现了,我和他聊了一会儿,他就把这个想法告诉了我,和the Trustbusters还有Parker Boudreaux一起,他还有其他成员的想法,后来变成了Sonny Kiss和V.S.K.,这一切都是在某一天发生的。但这就是我得到全职工作的原因,这就是老板想要的,这就是老板得到的。我认为在摔跤中这一直是一件非常简单的事情……我真的很喜欢和卡什在一起,谁知道呢? Somewhere in the future, maybe he can come join The Trustbusters but it was just Tony’s idea, something he wanted to do and it was just kind of presented to me and the funny thing was, a lot of it was just kind of some last minute stuff. Just, ‘Hey, this is what I want you to talk about, this is your new name, you’re in The Trustbusters’ and this was like minutes before I was about to go out there and part of me took it as a test. I get all this information and he’s like, ‘All right, go do it!’ And I go like, ‘No problem. I’m gonna knock this out of the f*cking park first try’ and I feel like I did and I got to the back and he was like, ‘Hell yeah. That’s exactly what I wanted… Let’s f*cking go!’”


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