Ari Daivari讨论他在AEW生产者的角色和使用人才


Ari Daivari最近采访了AEW无限制的播客的深入采访报道一切职业摔跤。


”托尼说,“我认为你是一个好经验丰富的领导对我们的一些年轻的摔跤手。托尼是很好的发展年轻的摔跤手,年轻人才,并问我,甚至对帕克说,你知道,帕克博祖是谁在我的组。他说,“我认为他真的很好。他是一个年轻人。我想他会做的很好的学习从你,之类的。我说,“没问题”,我说过我想做你的才华。我愿意帮忙。这是那种是怎么来的。然后我开始和女孩们一起工作。在AEW,我们有一个非常有才华的球员,我不是说。 Literally from top to bottom, our men’s division, women’s division, everybody’s good and it’s kind of obvious because Tony Kahn really prides himself on having banger matches and work rate. His roster is stacked. So a producer here, I kind of feel like almost sometimes like reigning talent back just a little bit for their own good. We got some some wild, crazy guys and girls who are dedicated to the business, and if you don’t reign them back a little bit, they’re gonna go out there and potentially kill themselves for the love of the business, which ain’t a bad thing to have that mentality, but sometimes you just want to kind of reign it back just a little bit like, ‘Hey, we got week to week TV. I need you here next week. You can’t kill yourself on this show because we need you here next week and the week after and the week after that and all that kind of stuff. So, being a producer, you just sometimes want to help instill the psychology, make sure some of the old school rules live on while still adding a new school flavor to it.”



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