
伊桑·佩奇最近在Going Postl节目中作为嘉宾接受了采访。

在讨论中,“All Ego”谈到了空手道侠的故事线,以及它与WWE中的Elias/Ezekiel角度的比较。


关于介绍空手道侠在IMPACT的最后一段时间:“你想知道什么最让我生气吗?”老实说,这是我的诅咒。这是我的天赋,但也是我的诅咒。我做任何事都太快了。这是大流行的高峰期,我什么都没有,我怎么能靠自己讲故事呢?我会创造另一个角色,我会与自己结怨,会有商品选择等等。我要双人预订。我在这些发薪日里伊森·佩奇2岁摔跤,空手道男4岁摔跤,伊森·佩奇8岁摔跤。《空手道侠》的销量超过了伊森·佩奇。我一直在想,‘人们(闷着)不会告诉我该做什么。” Then, when it was kind of like pushed on me to bring it on television, I was ultimately offered an ultimatum where it was like, ‘On your exit, you can either turn on your tag partner and do this feud with him, or you do Karate Man on TV.’ I was like, ‘Well, there might be money in the future for this, so let’s just do Karate Man on TV.’ In my mind I’m thinking, ‘this will be fine as long as,’ and I was very vocal about this, ‘it gets presented as two separate people’ so there is Ethan Page on the show and there is Karate Man on the show. No one understood it or they chose not to. Either way, it’s fine, it’s not my show, I can’t control everything. It all worked out in the end.”

关于《空手道侠》与《WWE》中以利亚/以西结故事线的相似之处:“然后,我在WWE上看到,大约一年后,他们做了我想对Elias做的事情。每个人都喜欢它。好评如潮。甚至是天才的想法。所以创新。我在想,‘等等,我在一个没人真正看过的节目上毁了生意?但是这个家伙……”这太棒了,所有的力量都属于他。一直以来,我都在想,‘我们要选择谁是最差的吗?”The part that sucks is that when it comes to comedy, everyone has their own style, but my style is very serious. It sounds stupid, but I thought the more serious and on the nose you treated Karate Man, the funnier it is. The more campy it is, the less funny it is to me. It’s almost like you’re beating people over the head. ‘This is supposed to be funny. You’re supposed to laugh.’ No, if we treat it like these are two separate people, I promise, I’ll play them both to a tee. You have to take it like it’s serious, people think it’s hilarious. The Karate Man lives. He’ll be around forever. I’m putting him in another project, coming soon.”

通过下面嵌入的YouTube播放器查看完整的Ethan Page访谈。H / TFightful.com抄写以上引文。