



Meltzer说,“在门票销售上升,不过周六以来在很多市场。碰撞显示显示——碰撞和炸药。有时只需要,你知道,一个大角和人认为有很大的角。问题是可能没有一个大角,但我想人们认为,因为如果你看电视,你可能会得出这样的结论。是的,机票销售的几个节目。加拿大的一些节目也与降低票价。汉密尔顿和多伦多都降低了价格。我认为他们在做四个包,你可以得到四个像门票每人16.50美元。所以销售一个像样的门票。多伦多还是下降,但是今天是星期六,但超过3000。 So it’s not, you know, horrible. If they get to four to four, I would say, you know, based on what they’ve been doing, I would say that’s, that’s okay. When it’s at 2,500 or 3,000, I wouldn’t call it that good. Chicago might sell out Wednesday night, though. It’s not a lock they’ll sell out, but they’ll be very close to sold out and they may sell out. There’s still a chance they’ll sell out. That’s pretty much it. Some of the other markets, there has been some movement of tickets too. It’s not enough to say, ‘Wow. You know, it’s turned around.’ But it is a positive. I mean, it’s definitely moving quicker than some of the markets had been moving. There’s a noticeable change.”

(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)