AEW全齿轮结果- 2022年11月19日


AEW全齿轮结果- 2022年11月19日

转录by: Josh Lopez (@TheHootsPodcast)


下课铃响后,佩里用厚重的身体镜头。卢沙aurus把佩里推到角落。佩里展示了他的速度和敏捷性。佩里用肩挡。佩里踢了卢沙aurus的脸。佩里用导弹抛踢。佩里转到角落坐骑。佩里躲在两条来自Luchasaurus的晾衣绳下面。卢查龙和大靴子。卢查龙把佩里的脸先扔进了钢里。 Perry is busted open. Luchasaurus jams Perry’s face against the steel. Luchasaurus with a Vertical Toss. Luchasaurus is throwing haymakers at Perry. Luchasaurus with a corner clothesline. Luchasaurus with a Side Walk Slam for a two count. Luchasaurus repeatedly throws Perry into the steel. Perry with a Rebound Lariat. Luchasaurus answers with a Crucifix Bomb into the steel for a two count. Luchasaurus puts Perry on the top turnbuckle. Perry applies The Rope Assisted Arm-Bar. Perry punches Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus kicks Perry in the face. Luchasaurus Chokeslams Perry off the top turnbuckle. Luchasaurus hits The Cut Throat for a two count.

Luchasaurus与裁判争论。凯奇从迈克·波西手中夺过钥匙。预警员安全小组把凯奇带到后台。佩里和卢夏aurus在外面吵架。Luchasaurus将Perry弹射到钢铁中。Luchasaurus从圆环下面拿出一张桌子和几把椅子。卢查aurus把佩里的头重重地撞在钢圈楼梯上。裁判让卢沙aurus回到拳击台。佩里与快速火力干草。Luchasaurus把Perry和大靴子放在一起。 Perry with Three Running Dropkicks. Perry repeatedly kicks Luchasaurus face against the steel. Perry goes for a PowerBomb, but Luchasaurus counters with a Back Body Drop on the ring apron. Perry blocks The Chokeslam. Perry drills Luchasaurus with The Canadian Destroyer for a one count. Perry with a running chair shot. Perry connects with The Kill Switch on the chair for a two count.

佩里站在卢查龙的脖子后面。Luchasaurus choceslams Perry在椅子上数了两下。Luchasaurus让Perry坐在最上面的螺丝扣上。佩里猛击卢查龙的颈背。佩里配雪崩切片面包。佩里前臂颤抖。Luchasaurus用头撞佩里。卢沙龙向佩里扔干草。佩里拒绝蹲下。佩里的连招掌击。 Perry is raining down haymakers. Perry nails Luchasaurus with The PileDriver for a two count. Perry denies The Chokeslam. Luchasaurus tips the table over. Perry applies The Sleeper Hold. Luchasaurus with Two TombStone PileDrivers for a two count. Perry reapplies The Sleeper Hold. Perry lays Luchasaurus flat on the table. Perry delivers a vicious chair shot. Perry climbs up to the top of the cage. Perry lands The Flying Elbow Drop through the table. Perry makes Luchasaurus tap out to The Snare Trap.



唐·卡利斯加入了这场比赛的解说队。小Pac和肯尼·欧米茄会开始。衣领和肘部打结。备用交换机。腕锁交换。Pac把欧米茄推到拐弯处。裁判员要求干净利落地休息。Pac踢了Omega的肚子。欧米茄从Pac手中拿起爱尔兰鞭子,Pac踢了欧米茄的脸。Pac加肩挡。 Pac with another toe kick. Pac whips Omega across the ring. Omega ducks a clothesline from Pac. Omega dropkicks the left knee of Pac. Omega goes for The Kotaro Krusher, but Pac lands back on his feet. Pac spits in Omega’s face. Fenix and Nick are tagged in. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Fenix launches Nick over the top rope. Nick blocks The Sunset Bomb. Nick blocks The Roll Through Cutter. Standing Switch Exchange. Swing and Miss Display. Spinning Roundhouse Kick Exchange. Matt and Pentagon are tagged in. Double Clothesline. Double Pump Kick. Double SuperKick to Pac. Matt tags in Omega. Pac retreats to the outside. Pentagon slaps Omega in the chest. Omega slips over Pentagon over the top rope. Young Bucks with a Double Enzuigiri. Fenix with a Spinning Back Kick. Assisted Hurricanrana to Fenix.

欧米茄把Pac从围裙上敲下来。尼克用毁灭球抛踢。尼克的背式跳。马特加入了欧米茄。欧米茄扑向滚动哨兵,但Pac用一记低空踢反击。Pac踢了Omega的后脑勺。小精灵身上有五角大楼的标签,小精灵多次踢欧米茄的脸。小精灵把欧米茄的头猛撞在顶部的螺丝扣垫上。五角大楼的Pac标签。三脚后脚的死亡三角。 Triple Basement Dropkick for a two count. Pentagon slaps Omega in the chest. Pentagon tags in Pac. Pac hammers down on the back of Omega’s neck. Pac bodyslams Omega. Pac dives over Omega. Omega drops Pac with a Running Palm Thrust. Matt and Fenix are tagged in. Matt with The Locomotion Northern Lights Suplex’s. Matt punches Pentagon. Fenix tags in Pentagon. Assisted What’s Up Dropkick for a two count. Pentagon kicks the left hamstring of Matt. Matt punches Pac. Matt decks Pentagon with a back elbow smash. Matt with The Missile Dropkick. Pentagon tags in Pac.

Pac把Omega从围裙上踢了下来。马特把小Pac从上面的绳子上推出去。芬尼克斯拍了拍马特的胸部。尼克一记右手直拳。马特和卡扎多拉的FaceBuster。尼克和小Pac被锁定。尼克拿着两条晾衣绳。尼克在角落打出了他的组合进攻。尼克拍了拍五角大楼的胸部。尼克跳过芬尼克斯。 Nick with a Headscissors/Arm-Drag Combination. Nick tags in Omega. Omega is throwing haymakers at Pac. Pac with a Spinning Back Kick. Omega teep kicks Pac. Omega with Two Snap Dragon Suplex’s. Omega lands The SomerSault Plancha. Fenix slaps Nick in the chest. Nick dumps Fenix face first on the top rope. Matt with a Slingshot DDT on the apron. Pentagon with an Apron Enzuigiri. Nick answers with a double sledge. Nick with a SpringBoard FrankenSteiner to the outside. Omega rolls Pac back into the ring. Omega with The Cross Legged Ushigoroshi for a two count. Pac dodges The V-Trigger. Pac with a Release German Suplex. Pac with Two Spinning Back Kicks.

Pac踢了Omega的胸部。死亡三角与三重墓碑打桩机。凤凰从五角大楼的胸口溅起一团飞沫。五角大楼用加拿大驱逐舰训练马特。菲尼克斯用滚切刀传给尼克。Pac和黑箭联系上了。Pac用了野兽霜。尼克打断了提交。Lucha兄弟的立体翻筋斗。脚板旋转后踢菲尼克斯。 Fenix follows that with a Roll Through Double Foot Stomp. Pac gives Fenix the bell hammer. Fenix refuses to use it. Omega nails Pac with The V-Trigger. Omega with The Tiger Driver #98 for a two count. Pentagon with Three SlingBlades. Cero Miedo. The ELITE with a Triple SuperKick. Nick with The Reverse Hurricanrana. The ELITE delivers The BTE Trigger for a two count. Pac grabs the bell hammer. Nick SuperKicks Pac. Nick with The Tornillo. Matt with The Orihara MoonSault. V-Trigger 2. Pac hands Fenix the bell hammer behind the referee’s back. Omega goes for The One Winged Angel, but Fenix counters with the bell hammer shot to pickup the victory.


第三场比赛:AEW TBS冠军赛(41-0)杰德·嘉吉(c)与基拉·霍根和莱拉·格雷对阵(82-33)妮拉·罗斯与维姬·格雷罗和玛丽娜·沙菲尔

铃响前,妮拉·罗斯袭击了基拉·霍根。嘉吉公司向罗斯抛出了抨击的矛头。嘉吉上勾拳罗斯。前臂重击嘉吉。嘉吉把罗斯的头猛地撞在顶部的螺丝扣垫上。嘉吉踢了罗斯的肚子。嘉吉铁锤砸在罗丝的脖子后面。嘉吉公司反复踩了罗丝的胸部。嘉吉正用靴子勒死萝丝。罗斯击败了嘉吉。 Cargill holds onto the ropes. Cargill dumps Rose out of the ring. Cargill with a Running Pump Kick that propels Rose over the ringside barricade. Rose punches Cargill. Cargill back drops Rose over the barricade. Rose drives Cargill back first into the ring apron. Rose rolls Cargill back into the ring. Rose levels Cargill with The Body Avalanche. Rose with Two Bodyslams. Rose with a Big Splash. Rose follows that with a Running Cannonball Strike. Rose poses for the crowd.

罗丝正在向嘉吉公司扔垃圾。罗斯不停地踩着嘉吉的胸口。裁判告诫罗斯。嘉吉用后肘击杀罗斯。嘉吉踢了罗斯的脸。嘉吉(Cargill)选择了“飞溅飞溅”(Flying Splash),但罗丝却把脚翘在了空中。罗斯戴着领带,数两下。嘉吉的浓酒。罗丝躲过了泵踢。罗斯狠狠地踢了嘉吉的肚子。 Rose has Cargill draped across the top strand. Rose hits The Guillotine Knee Drop for a two count. Cargill denies The Beast Bomb. Cargill rocks Rose with a forearm smash. Cargill goes into the lateral press for a two count. Cargill hammers down on the back of Rose’s neck. Cargill uppercuts Rose. Rose reverses out of the irish whip from Cargill. Cargill kicks Rose in the chest. Cargill connects with The Beast Bomb for a two count. Rose denies The Jaded. Cargill rolls Rose over for a two count. Rose drops Cargill with The Jaded for a two count. Rose goes for The Swanton Bomb, but Cargill ducks out of the way. Cargill nails Rose with The Pump Kick. Cargill plants Rose with The Jaded to pickup the victory.

冠军:仍然是AEW TBS冠军,(42-0)翡翠嘉吉通过品福尔

第四场比赛:(53-23-1)克里斯·杰里科(c) vs(34-8-2)布莱恩·丹尼尔森vs(12-2)克劳迪奥·卡斯塔尼奥利vs(53-34)萨米·格瓦拉。这是一场卢世冠的致命四人大战

伊恩·里卡波尼加入了这场比赛的解说团队。下课铃一响,一切都乱了套。切交换。杰里科和卡斯塔尼奥利在外面打架。卡斯塔利将杰里科的头猛击在拳台边的路障上。切/上钩拳交换。丹尼尔森的中踢法。卡斯塔尼奥利把杰里科赶进了街垒。格瓦拉踢了丹尼尔森的胸部。丹尼尔森将格瓦拉击倒在场外。 Danielson lands The Suicide Dive. Jericho attacks Danielson from behind. Jericho throws Danielson into the steel ring steps. Jericho rolls Danielson back into the ring. Jericho kicks Danielson in the face. Jericho poses for the crowd. Second Chop Exchange. BCC gangs up on Jericho. Uppercut Party. Danielson chops Jericho. Running Dropkick/Uppercut Combination. Castagnoli starts shaking Danielson’s hand. Uppercut Exchange. Danielson applies The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Danielson transitions into a Triangle Choke. Rollup Exchange. Jericho with a Running Boot. Jericho puts the boots to Castagnoli and Danielson. The BCC with a Double Flapjack. Double Single Leg Crab. Guevara with a Flying Double Cutter for a two count.

格瓦拉钩住丹尼尔森的外腿,数到二。杰里科拥抱格瓦拉。杰里科前臂颤抖。双倍爱尔兰皮鞭。双肩铲。雅的姿势。JAS用晾衣绳将卡斯塔诺利晾在绳顶。杰里科和两次抬膝。双延迟垂直Suplex到Danielson。耶利哥一记右直拳。 Guevara transitions into a ground and pound attack. Jericho with The Death Valley Driver for a two count. Jericho unloads two knife edge chops. Guevara with a chop/forearm combination. Double Irish Whip. Guevara with a corner clothesline. Danielson side steps Guevara into the turnbuckles. Danielson with forearm shivers. YES! Kicks. Danielson with Two Roundhouse Kicks. Danielson hooks the outside leg of Guevara for a two count. Danielson with a Chop/Mid-Kick Combination. Danielson puts Guevara on the top turnbuckle. Danielson goes for a FrankenSteiner, but Guevara lands back on his feet. Guevara leapfrogs over Danielson. Guevara backflips over Danielson. Guevara with The Standing Spanish Fly. Jericho with a Double LionSault for a two count.

Castagnoli随后推出了GutWrench Suplex。卡斯塔诺利双腿击倒对手。杰里科否认了巨型秋千。Castagnoli用奔跑的双脚跺脚,数两下。卡斯塔尼奥里从杰里科躲避晾衣绳。卡斯塔诺利打出了跳板上勾拳,但杰里科用破码者反击。格瓦拉打破了杰里科的锁定机会。这就引出了一场快速推搡比赛。前臂交换。格瓦拉在角落用劈臂/前臂组合。 Guevara scores the elbow knockdown. Guevara with a blistering chop. Jericho kicks Guevara in the face. Guevara drops Jericho with The CodeBreaker for a two count. Jericho blocks The Walls Of Jericho. Jericho with a double leg takedown. Jericho gets Guevara trapped in The Walls Of Jericho. Danielson goes for a Shotgun Dropkick, but Jericho counters with The Walls Of Jericho. Castagnoli with Two Running Boots. Castagnoli with The Delayed Vertical Suplex. Castagnoli applies The Sharpshooter. Danielson adds The Lebel Lock. Guevara with Two SuperKicks. Guevara hits The GTH on Jericho. Guevara lands The Shooting Star Press for a two count. Guevara with hammer elbows to Danielson. Danielson is pissed.

丹尼尔森一巴掌打在格瓦拉脸上。卡斯塔尼奥里把格瓦拉扔进了杰里科。丹尼尔森接了Busaiku膝盖数到二。锤肘交换。卡斯塔格诺利打出了一记弹出式上勾拳,但丹尼尔森用后盖反击,数了两下。Castagnoli和内外套索,数两下。丹尼尔森挡住了SuperPlex。格瓦拉用跳板切球传给卡斯塔格诺利。格瓦拉的《雪崩西班牙苍蝇》。丹尼尔森使用勒贝尔锁。 Jericho breaks up the submission. Jericho with a SpringBoard Dropkick. Castagnoli clotheslines Jericho to the floor. Castagnoli with The Uppercut Train. Castagnoli catches Danielson in mid-air. Castagnoli with The Neutralizer on the floor. Guevara with a Shooting Star Press to the outside. Guevara rolls Castagnoli back into the ring. Castagnoli catches Guevara in mid-air. Castagnoli with The Pop Uppercut for a two count. Guevara uses the middle rope for leverage for a two count. Castagnoli delivers The Giant Swing. Jericho drops Guevara with a Flying Judas Effect. Jericho plants Castagnoli with The Judas Effect to pickup the victory.



衣领和肘部打结。贝克把萨拉亚推到绳子里。贝克用侧锁。萨拉亚用鞭子抽着贝克穿过拳击台。贝克用肩膀铲倒了萨拉亚。萨拉娅在和贝克玩心理游戏。强大的拘留所。萨拉亚抓住一个侧面的头锁。贝克让萨拉亚进入围绳。Saraya SuperKicks Baker。 Baker regroups on the outside. Baker spins Saraya around the ring apron. Baker with clubbing blows to Saraya’s back. Baker with a Twisting NeckBreaker on the floor. Baker applies the cravate right in front of Saraya’s brother who’s sitting in the front row. Baker rolls Saraya back into the ring. Baker hooks the outside leg for a two count. Baker applies the sitting cravate. Baker with another cover for a two count. Baker with a forearm smash. Baker sends Saraya to the corner. Saraya kicks Baker in the face. Baker blocks a boot from Saraya. Baker drops Saraya with a Draping NeckBreaker for a two count. Baker puts on the green glove.

萨拉亚身上有大量的子弹。贝克用两只前臂回答。萨拉亚闪避贝克递给她的晾衣绳。贝克和跑动断颈者,数到二。贝克用锤子砸向萨拉亚的脖子后面。贝克用了希腊式罗马式的憋喉法。萨拉亚把贝克放在她的肩膀上。萨拉亚先把贝克的脸扔在围裙上。萨拉亚用一个飞行的横体挡掉了围裙。萨拉亚把贝克拉回了擂台。 Saraya hooks the inside leg for a two count. Baker pie faces Saraya. Forearm Exchange. Saraya ducks a clothesline from Baker. Saraya applies a wrist lock. Saraya with three short-arm clotheslines for a two count. Baker applies a waist lock. Saraya with a serious back elbow smashes. Saraya with a running elbow smash. Saraya repeatedly stomps on Baker’s chest. Baker with a Flatliner into the middle turnbuckle pad. Saraya with The Knight Cap for a two count.

萨拉亚使出了横冲直撞,但贝克用内支架反击,数了两下。萨拉亚逃出了锁颚。贝克打出了空袭坠毁,数到二。贝克把萨拉娅放在最上面的螺丝扣上。贝克前臂颤抖。萨拉亚用棍棒打了贝克的后背。萨拉亚接着用日落炸弹数了两下。萨拉亚和横冲直撞的人连了两下。Saraya使用反向三叶草。贝克先把萨拉亚的脸送到中间的螺丝扣垫上。 Saraya applies a full nelson lock. Baker brings Saraya down to the mat. Baker applies The Lock Jaw. Rollup Exchange. Saraya avoids The Ripcord Lariat. Saraya SuperKicks Baker. Saraya with a Running Knee Strike for a two count. Saraya punches Baker in the back. Baker denies The Rampage. Baker with The Ripcord Elbow. Baker with The Swinging Fisherman’s NeckBreaker. Baker delivers The Curb Stomp for a two count. Saraya blocks The Air Raid Crash. Saraya drops Baker with another Running Knee Strike for a two count. Saraya with Two Rampages to pickup the victory.


第六场比赛:(65-8)沃德洛(c) vs(10-1)萨摩亚乔vs(56-21)劲敌霍布斯为AEW TNT冠军进行的三场威胁比赛

沃德洛用前臂猛击霍布斯。沃德洛用棍棒打了乔的背。用泰拳打膝。沃德洛在乔的背后打了一拳。沃德洛先把乔的脸打到铁环柱上。霍布斯用晾衣绳晾衣服。霍布斯的膝盖撞到了沃德洛的中段。霍布斯把沃德洛的头重重地撞在铁制的环形台阶和环形围裙上。霍布斯把沃德洛拉回拳台。霍布斯在沃德洛背后打了一拳。 Hobbs with The Delayed Vertical Suplex. Joe with a chop/jab combination. Hobbs scores the elbow knockdown. Hobbs lays Wardlow flat on the top turnbuckle. Hobbs with clubbing blows to Wardlow’s chest. Joe with two knife edge chops. Hobbs answers with a T-Bone Suplex. Hobbs is mauling Wardlow in the corner. Hobbs targets the midsection of Joe. Hobbs sends Joe to the corner.

霍布斯的膝盖撞到了沃德洛的中段。warlow with a Corkscrew Pescado。两个超级踢沃洛。沃德洛接着写了《两个头撞》。沃德洛用套索把霍布斯放下。沃德洛拿到了斯旺顿炸弹。乔与跑步森顿水花。乔把沃德洛赶出拳台。乔用一个跑动的肘击。乔和旋转Enzuigiri。 Joe follows that with clubbing boot scrapes. Joe with The Face Wash. Wardlow is throwing haymakers at Joe. Joe with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Joe drops Wardlow with a Running Boot. Joe with another Running Senton Splash for a two count. Joe with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Joe applies a front face lock. Hobbs with a DDT. Wardlow drives Hobbs back first into turnbuckles.

带肩块/上勾拳组合的裙带。沃德洛用双腿击倒对手。沃德洛打了棘霸两下。沃德洛把霍布斯扑倒在地。沃德洛和霍布斯在外线互相射击。Joe登陆了The Suicide Dive。乔用鞭子抽打霍布斯,把他打到钢铁路障上。乔去拿一个强力炸弹,但霍布斯用猛扑反击。霍布斯接住了"刺克星"数了两下。霍布斯打了个Bodyslam,但沃德洛又站了起来。 Wardlow tees off on Hobbs. Hobbs blocks The F10. Wardlow delivers The PowerBomb Symphony. Joe clocks Wardlow with the TNT Title. Joe makes Hobbs pass out to The Coquina Clutch.

胜者:新的AEW TNT冠军,(11-1)萨摩亚乔通过裁判暂停


Allin在舞台上用滑板攻击fatal。斯汀站在贾勒特身后。贾勒特请求宽恕。斯汀在对贾勒特进行抨击。斯汀和阿林在贾勒特身上开球。阿林用一记飞肩铲飞了围裙。阿林和贾勒特在人群中争吵。刺推动致命越过钢铁路障。纽瓦克市一片混乱。Allin和地板上的Snap Vertical Suplex。 Sting dumps Lethal crotch first on the barricade. Allin climbs up a ladder on the stage. Satnam Singh catches Allin in mid-air. Singh tosses Allin onto the ramp way. Sting is raining down haymakers. Sting with a Flying Crossbody Block off the railing. Jarrett whips Allin into the steel ring steps. Jarrett with a chair shot across the back of Allin. Jarrett repeatedly stomps on Allin’s back. Jarrett whips Allin into the turnbuckles. Jarrett with a Running Boot across the back of Allin’s head. Jarrett struts around the ring. Jarrett with a Lariat. Jarrett tags in Lethal. Lethal applies The Abdominal Stretch. Meeting Of The Minds. Sting and Jarrett are tagged in.

用晾衣绳扎。用两个刺溅刺刺。斯汀接着用了一个内外套索。斯汀肘部击倒对手。刺痛使用蝎子死亡锁。杜特打了斯汀一拳。辛格·乔克斯拉姆斯汀。贾勒特钩住外侧腿,数到二。Allin和Lethal都加入了。前臂交换。 Lethal with a Pump Kick. Lethal catches Allin in mid-air. Lethal delivers The Lethal Combination for a two count. Jarrett grabs his acoustic guitar. Jarrett nearly hits Lethal with the guitar. Allin shoves Lethal into Jarrett. Allin with a Leaping Stunner. Allin goes for The Coffin Drop, but Jarrett counters with the guitar shot. Allin pops back on his feet. Allin HeadButts Jarrett. Allin with a flurry of backhands. Allin with a Double Coffin Splash. Sting knocks Dutt off the ring apron. Sting sends Singh face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Scorpion Death Drop/Coffin Drop Combination to Singh. Allin lands The Suicide Dive. Sting reverses out of the irish whip from Lethal. Lethal ducks a clothesline from Sting. Lethal goes for The Lethal Injection, but Sting counters with The Scorpion Death Drop. Allin connects with The Coffin Drop to pickup the victory.


第八场比赛:(27-4)托尼·斯托姆(c) vs(18-19)杰米·海特为临时AEW女子世界冠军

衣领和肘部打结。侧锁交换。Storm使用双锤锁。侧锁接管交换。晾衣绳上发挥失常。这让我们在拳台中央迅速对峙。"风暴"嘲弄海特。海特从"风暴"手中撤回爱尔兰鞭。风暴,海特。"风暴"用跑臀攻击把海特从围裙上撞了下来。 Storm slams Hayter’s head on the apron. Storm whips Hayter into the steel barricade. Storm with clubbing blows to Hayter’s back. Hayter throws Storm into the barricade. Storm repeatedly sends Hayter face first into the steel ring post. Storm unloads two knife edge chops. Storm inadvertently chops the ring post. The referee is losing control of this match. Hayter uses the barricade as a weapon. Hayter with Two Side Belly to Belly Suplex’s. Hayter is choking Storm with her boot. Chop Exchange. Hayter whips Storm across the ring. Hayter drops Storm with a shoulder tackle for a two count.

海特玩弄着风暴。海特反复把"风暴"的脸撞到帆布上。海特重重地踩在"风暴"的脖子后面。在一个快速的母马接管后,海特应用后下巴锁住。海特把"风暴"拉到垫子上。裁判警告海特。海特用棍棒打在"风暴"的背上。前臂交换。海特的爱尔兰鞭使风暴逆转。用Lou Thez Press来风暴。风暴转变为地面和重击攻击。 Storm with a Running Hip Attack. Storm with a Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Storm goes for a Bodyslam, but Hayter lands back on her feet. Storm drops Hayter with The Swinging DDT for a two count. Short-Arm Reversal by Hayter. Second Forearm Exchange. Storm HeadButts Hayter for a two count. Rebel makes her way down to the ringside area.

第三次前臂交换。手掌打击/前靴交换。跑步前臂交换。海特用膝盖撞到了"风暴"的中段。海特在"风暴"上发球。Rebel在裁判背后用皮带射击。海特打了Ushigoroshi。海特接住滑动套索数到二。裁判将Rebel驱逐出拳台。用开膛索套索猛攻,数到二。 Hayter avoids The Running Hip Attack. Baker nails Storm with The Curb Stomp on the title. Hayter with The Storm Zero for a two count. Storm avoids The Ripcord Lariat. Storm with a Release German Suplex for a two count. Storm knocks Baker off the ring apron. Hayter with The Uranage BackBreaker for a two count. Hayter with a corner clothesline. Hayter peppers Storm with forearms. Baker starts removing the top turnbuckle pad. Storm whips Hayter into Baker. Hayter sends Storm face first into the exposed steel. Hayter plants Storm with The Ripcord Lariat to pickup the victory.



铃声响起后,同时发生了争吵。Bowens的滚动肘。李打出了精神炸弹,但Bowens打出了飓风反击。广受赞誉的晾衣绳把李晾过了绳顶。卡斯特跳过思特里克兰德。卡斯特用深臂拖拽。卡斯特·思特里克兰德。施法者责备思特里克兰德。施法者标记在Bowens。Bowens和剪刀木。 Bowens chops Strickland. Bowens repeatedly stomps on Strickland’s chest. Strickland with a straight right hand. Bowens drives his knee into the midsection of Strickland. Bowens with a forearm/downward elbow combination. Strickland kicks the left shoulder of Bowens. Strickland tags in Lee. Lee bodyslams Bowens. Strickland tosses Caster around the ringside area. Strickland sets up a railing bridge. Bowens SuperKicks Lee. Bowens kicks Lee in the chest. Chop Exchange. Lee sends Bowens knee first into the railing. Bowens with a Counter Vertical Suplex on the floor. Bowens with heavy bodyshots to Lee. Lee drives his knee into the midsection of Bowens. Lee lifts Bowens up in the air. Lee with a shoulder block. Lee slams the right shoulder of Bowens on the canvas. Lee with a Big Splash for a two count.

鲍恩斯两记左拳。李用头撞Bowens。李一拳打在鲍恩斯的右肩上。李尾随着思特里克兰德。思特里克兰德一记笔直的右手拳。思特里克兰德用了一把锤子锁。思特里克兰德的跺脚声。斯特里克兰德把李带了进来。斯特里克兰德。Bowens用逆飓风训练Lee。 Caster and Strickland are tagged in. Caster clotheslines Strickland. Caster with a Back Body Drop. Caster with a flying forearm smash. Caster clotheslines Strickland over the top rope. Caster with Two SuperKicks. Caster with The Slingshot Pescado. Lee fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Lee with clubbing blows to Caster’s ribs. Caster kicks Lee in the face. Lee puts Caster on the top turnbuckle. Lee with The Grizzly Magnum. Lee punches Caster. Caster with heavy bodyshots. Caster shoves Lee into the canvas. Caster drops Lee with The Flying Famouser. Caster with The Death Valley Driver for a two count. Caster tags in Bowens. Bowens with a Running Knee Strike. Assisted Cutter for a two count.

思特里克兰德否认《降临》。斯特里克兰德把鲍文斯推给卡斯特。斯特里克兰德翻了鲍恩斯,数到二。鲍恩斯把思特里克兰德从上面的绳子上推出去。鲍文斯打了思特里克兰德。Bowens用Kamagiri传给Lee。施法者用飞行横身挡块穿过栏杆桥。鲍恩斯接着用弹弓滴滴涕,数到二。思特里克兰德不读《名人》。思特里克兰德用一卷扁平眼线笔。 Strickland delivers Three House Calls. Bowens tells Strickland to bring it. Strickland obliges with another House Call for a two count. Strickland drags Bowens to the corner. Strickland losing his footing on the top turnbuckle. Strickland kicks Bowens in the face. Bowens avoids The Swerve Stomp. Bowens with The Arrival. Bowens tags in Caster. Caster connects with The Mic Drop for a two count. Caster kicks Lee out of the ring. Strickland drills Caster with The BrainBuster. Strickland tags in Lee.

李晒衣绳卡斯特。李用肘部击倒对手。李用身体雪崩扳平了卡斯特。李用大贝尔扔。李的猛扑。转向在我们的荣耀击中他们的转向跺脚/精神炸弹组合两计数。李尾随着思特里克兰德。卡斯特否认灵魂炸弹。施法者标记在Bowens。李把卡斯特甩向鲍恩斯。 Lee PowerBombs Caster on Bowens back. Strickland launches Caster over the timekeeper’s table. Strickland grabs the pliers. Strickland kicks Billy Gunn in the face. The referees had to bring Billy to the backstage area. Strickland tells Lee to use the pliers. Lee throws the pliers out of the ring. Strickland slaps Lee in the face. Lee walks out on Strickland. Bowens rolls Strickland over for a two count. Bowens delivers his combination offense. Bowens SupeKicks Strickland. Strickland goes for The JML Driver, but Bowens rolls him over for a two count. Bowens tags in Caster. Caster with a SpringBoard Missile Dropkick. The Acclaimed plants Strickland with The Assisted Michinoku Driver to pickup the victory.

冠军:仍然是AEW世界Tag Team冠军,(44-10)The赞誉via Pinfall

第十场比赛:(90-12-1)Jon Moxley (c) w/William Regal vs (32-12) MJF争夺AEW世界冠军

莫克斯利在铃响后给了MJF一拳。MJF被莫克斯利盯上了。MJF打了Moxley的脸。莫克斯利前臂击杀。莫克斯利卸下了三块刀口排骨。莫克斯利把MJF的脸撞到最上面的绳子上。莫克斯利,用力一砍。Moxley开始咬MJF的额头。MJF踢了Moxley的肚子。MJF使用侧锁。 Moxley whips MJF across the ring. MJF ducks under two clotheslines from Moxley. MJF starts strutting in the ring. MJF sends Moxley tumbling to the floor. MJF teases a dive. Moxley backs MJF into the turnbuckles. Moxley continues to bites MJF’s forehead. Moxley gives the crowd the middle finger salute. MJF repeatedly stomps on Moxley’s chest. Moxley drops MJF with a Lariat. Moxley mocks MJF. Moxley with clubbing crossfaces. Moxley kicks the middle rope into MJF’s face. Moxley with The X-Plex for a one count. Moxley applies The STF. MJF starts biting Moxley’s hand. MJF chops Moxley. MJF with forearm shivers. Moxley buries his shoulder into the midsection of MJF. Moxley with a chop/forearm combination. Moxley with The Falcon Arrow. Moxley applies The Cross-Arm-Breaker.

MJF把他的脚踩在底部的绳子上,迫使绳子断裂。莫克斯利有两个角的晾衣绳。莫克斯利拿着AEW世界冠军到处走。MJF把水吐到莫克斯利的眼睛里。莫克斯利把MJF推到钢圈台阶上。莫克斯利前臂颤抖。MJF用套索冲出角落。MJF与反向原子下降。MJF横扫了莫克斯利。MJF抛出一连串右拳。 MJF repeatedly slams Moxley’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Moxley side steps MJF into the turnbuckles. MJF denies The Death Rider. MJF with a Japanese Arm-Drag into the turnbuckles for a two count. MJF repositions the timekeeper’s table. Moxley drops MJF with a Cutter. Moxley repeatedly stomps on MJF’s face. Moxley takes a bow. MJF nails Moxley with The Tombstone PileDriver on the ring apron. MJF starts favoring his left knee. MJF hooks the outside leg for a two count. MJF talks smack to Moxley. Moxley blocks The PileDriver. Moxley kicks the left knee of MJF. Moxley with a Flying PileDriver through the table on the floor. MJF gets back into the ring at the count of nine. Moxley drops MJF with The Death Rider for a two count. Moxley repeatedly kicks the left hamstring of MJF. Moxley applies The Figure Four Leg Lock. MJF is trying to keep his shoulders off the mat.

MJF扭转了压力。莫克斯利抓住了底部的绳子,迫使绳子断裂。MJF把莫克斯利的头猛撞在最上面的绳子上。MJF把寻热者送了出去。莫克斯利阻挡了寻热者。莫克斯利和砧板。莫克斯利不断地把他的重量压在MJF的左膝上。莫克斯利被扣在了上面。莫克斯利鱼钩MJF。莫克斯利锤肘。 Moxley connects with The Avalanche Death Rider for a two count. MJF struggles to get back on his feet. MJF spits at Moxley. Moxley slaps MJF in the face. Forearm Exchange. Moxley kicks the left knee of MJF. Moxley with boxing elbows. MJF pulls the referee into Moxley’s path. MJF puts on the Dynamite Diamond Ring. William Regal makes his way down to the ramp. MJF throws the ring down and flips off Regal. Moxley applies The Sleeper Hold. MJF rolls Moxley over for a two count. Moxley reapplies The Sleeper Hold. Moxley inadvertently knocks down Paul Turner. Moxley applies The Bulldog Choke. Regal gives MJF the brass knuckles. MJF plants Moxley with The Brass Knuckle Punch to pickup the victory.
