AEW全部结果- 2019年8月31日

AEW全部结果- 2019年8月31日


艾莉被妮拉·罗斯淘汰。赛迪·吉布斯大猩猩压比阿·普里斯利。梅塞德斯·马丁内斯想干掉布里特·贝克,贝克躲了过去。贝克和梅赛德斯一起工作。梅塞德斯被妮拉淘汰。现在只剩下三位(Britt Baker, Bea Priestly和Nyla Rose)。妮拉超了,但她剥了猫的皮,在路上遇到了布里特和比亚。站在布里特旁边的破坏者马上去对付妮拉。比特与suplex。贝克淘汰了普利斯特利,妮拉·罗斯立即将布里特·贝克甩在了后面。 Nyla overcomes being in the first wave to take it






埃文斯以令人印象深刻的倒立走向拳击台!首先是安杰利科和卡西迪。用衣领和肘部做链式摔跤。卡西迪的手臂扭转成了一个锁头动作。安杰利科骑着一匹猛马,卡西迪双脚着地。卡西迪踢了一脚吊球,埃文斯和马克·昆也插上了。埃文斯的《Hurancanrana》,昆落地。前后踢腿。昆嘲笑埃文斯的倒立。标签由私人党,系列前臂由螺旋踢由埃文斯为2,标签在安杰利科。 Action is moving fast.


蜘蛛式德国越野车被埃文斯撞向卡西迪。安杰利科对脸PK 2分。










比赛1:SCU vs丛林男孩,Luchasaurus和Marko Stunt。

毫无疑问,这是SCU来过的最糟糕的小镇。丹尼尔斯在麦克风前吹嘘一年前他们卖掉了All In,现在他们又回来卖All In。卢查龙进场时,镜头晃动了一下。像往常一样,把丛林男孩放在肩膀上。观众为这个而活。卡兹和丛林男孩出发了。卡兹的头锁,卡兹的2个动作。手臂旋转,做2个仰卧起坐。丛林男孩和卡兹交易pin尝试。卡兹的旋转踢腿和套索,丹尼尔斯的标签。 Reverse atomic drop by Daniels. Chops in the corner by Daniels. Step up hurancanrana by Jungle Bot into a dropkick, here comes Luchasaurus.

Suplex by Luchasaurus,标签在特技。拉纳斯和滴漏由特技。绝技的Tope Suicida紧随其后的是丛林男孩和Luchasaurus击中了SCU的所有3名成员。回到擂台,斯特克从卢奇龙肩膀上一击,两分。“丛林男孩”和“天空”一起得分,“卡兹”盲扣,然后给“丛林男孩”一记大抛球。斯凯回来了,跺了一脚。丹尼尔斯回来了。丹尼尔斯嘲笑斯图特。卡兹和丹尼尔斯的双人绞刑架。斯凯来了一记肘击,卡兹来了一记角球。 Daniels with an lhbow for 2.


获奖者:SCU(弗兰基·卡扎里安,Scorpio Sky和克里斯托弗·丹尼尔斯)


肯尼·欧米茄vs PAC

在下课铃响之前,两人都没有做出大的反应。政治行动委员会有些拖延。人群在“肯尼”的歌声中活跃起来。被欧米伽锁住头部。Omega的肩挡。欧米茄骗PAC倒在他的肚子里,欧米茄炫耀这一点。衣领和肘部系紧。单腿被PAC拿下,他可以像欧米茄一样展示自己。PAC打了几拳,但欧米茄试图摔腿,PAC躲开了。PAC跑到外面,欧米茄去潜水,但PAC撞到了一只拉纳鱼。 Omega to the outside and PAC also attempts a dive but Omega also tries to counter but PAC is ready for it. Kneestrike by PAC. PAC forces Omega to follow him out and PAC with a kick as Omega dives. PAC with a huge advantage in the outsode brawl. PAC sends Omega into the barricade. PAC mocks Omega and a boot to the face.

回到擂台上,PAC用一记上绳下踢。欧米茄试图反击,但PAC有他的方式。PAC, 2号计数。PAC已经极大地放慢了步伐。欧米茄的力量,击中排骨和跑步靴。PAC试图再次锁住他的头,但欧米茄把他拉到绳子上,用晾衣绳把PAC拉到外面。欧米伽自杀了。欧米伽在出去的时候狠狠地打了他,他看起来没事。

回到拳台,欧米伽后脑勺一记飞弹落地踢进了渔人终结者两分。欧米茄全内耳式,PAC手肘脱险。欧米茄和消防员,PAC计数器。欧米伽让消防员重新滚了起来。欧米茄被切断,PAC的滴滴涕达到2。两人都倒下了。Pac第一个爬到顶端。欧米茄推出,但PAC登月/,都倒下了。主裁判保罗·特纳在边线判罚上给了对方余地。PAC在滚入OMEGA后移至顶部。 PAC with a 450 for 2. Both men go face to face and exchange chops and punches. Crowd is doing the “yay” and “boo” thing. Omega with the better of it, PAC fires back. Omega with a buckle bomb into a spinebuster for 2. PAC pushes Paul Turner into Omega and tries a dive but Omega counters. Omega with a V Trigger and tries the one winged angel. PAC blocks it but Omega hits a German Suplex for 2. PAC with a cutter , tries a German but Omega counters. PAC hits second attempt on German for 2. PAC tries a rana off the top but Omega hits a face drop. Full nelson snap dragon by Omega. V Trigger for 2. Omega tries a V Trigger but PAC blocks. Kicks by PAC. Superkick by PAC. Omega with another V trigger, PAC hits a reverse rana. Bac and forth with chops. Omega tries a One Winged Angel but PAC reverses it into a brutalizer. Omega passes out from the brutalizer and referee Paul Turner calls for the bell.




贾内拉做出了得体的反应。浩劫逃了出来,立刻拿了几把椅子和必要的桌子,还有他的订书机枪。浩劫钉了自己两次钉子。动作转到外面浩劫被夹击。肘部由Janella到浩劫。Allin把浩劫绑在椅子上。Hacoc朝两人吐口水。Allin强迫浩劫在他嘴里放图钉,而Janella用胶带把浩劫的嘴封上。詹内拉和艾林一对一。阿林把胳膊拖进了一个绝技。 Allin with a tope over the turnbuckle onto Havoc, freeing him from the chair. Janella with a spike tombstone on the apron to Allin. Janella pulls out a tennis racket and mocks it. Janella put up a table. Havoc spits out thumbtacks into Janella’s eyes. Havoc with another staple gun. This gets accompanied by an AEW photo that Havoc gives a series of paper cuts to Janella with. Havoc throws Cracker Barrell rolls at Janella and then brings a barrell into play. Low blow by Janella. Clothesline by Janella. Allin comes back in with skateboard covered in tacks. Janella goes facefirst into the skateboard for 2. Allin with a shoulderblock into Havoc through a table. Havoc tries to shoot staples. Allin attempts a coffin drop with a wooden barrel onto Havoc, who is laid out on stairs. Havoc moves. Allin may be dead.




格雷森和恰奇关在一起。格雷森在角落里,打着Evil Uno的标签,恰克从角落里冲出来。带盲标签的巴雷塔。拥抱的好朋友!!!!对乌诺的双人夹击,腿掉2分。Uno标签在格雷森。特伦特的排骨。乌诺从后面踢了一脚。格雷森的抛球将巴雷塔逼到了外面。Uno签到并在角落里送排骨。 Grayson tags in. Stomps by Grayson, Trent fights back with chops. Grayson hits a senton over the rope onto the apron on Trent. Trent counters an irish whip into a clothesline. Dark Order prevents the hot tag. Dark Order with stomps on Baretta in their corner. Baretta almost gets the tag but Uno pulls Chuckie off the apron. Grayson and Uno are playing old school tag team wreslting. Trent counters a charge into a swinging DDT and finally gets the tag.

恰奇的房子着火了。格雷森身上有两颗强力炸弹。恰奇把格雷森扔出去了,恰奇飞上了天空,撞到了一个顶点。乌诺抓住恰克的腿,让格雷森占了上风。特伦特打了一个德国人。恰奇又回来了。格雷森精彩的反击,两脚都击中贝利。乌诺带着一颗哨兵炮弹从特伦特山顶落下,得了2分。格雷森的膝盖罢工。乌诺的炮弹,格雷森的450,2分。 Dark Order goes for the fatality but Grayson gets pushed off the top rope. Chuckie with a tombstone for 2 (Uno was late on the save). Outside the Creepers attack Chuckie T. Dark Order hits the Fatality on Baretta for the win.

黑暗秩序(在AEW Tag Team championship锦标赛中获得第一轮的机会)



10月2日,冠军将与奈拉·罗斯争夺AEW女子冠军。领和肘,师大带马甲。石田挡肩,石田挡臂。里霍踢了一脚。里霍在角落里踢了一脚,里霍挣扎着,但最终还是成功了。师大完全控制着局面。石田打过肩后断球。志田把里浩放到角落,撞到了一个奔跑的膝盖。里霍用旋转的剪刀旋转爱尔兰鞭子。里穗爬上绳子,但志田抓住了她。 Riho fights her off and connects with a double stomp onto the apron. Riho hits a flying bodypress for 2. Riho with forearm strikes. Riho tries for 619 but Shida catches her and hits a knee flex over the shoulder. Riho with a surpise roll up for 2. Another stomp by Riho but Shida stops the momentum with a knee. Shida with a deadlift suplex, Riho blocks a knee strike. Riho can’t block a second and Shida connect for 2. Vertical Suplex attempt blocked by Riho into a rollup for 2. Shida hits a super plex for 2. Riho grabs Shida’s leg to stop her and connects a Norther Lights Suplex. Riho to the top but Shida with a punch. Shida falls off the corner and Riho with a stomp. Double knee strike by Riho for 2. Riho hits a double knee but Shida moves momentum into a back breaker for 2. Riho spins out of a crucifix into a sunset roll up for the 3 count.

赢家:Riho(晋级AEW冠军赛对阵Nyla Rose)




小甜甜搬来一把椅子,慢慢走向拳击台。戴隐形眼镜的小甜甜,还有神秘侠。Brandi, DDP, MJF都和Pharoh一起走在后台,取笑谁会在角落里。科迪和同伴们穿着星际迷航的装备。这三个人都陪着科迪走过红毯。MJF已经得到了科迪的任务,作为角落里的人,地球的盐是激动。科迪对斯皮尔斯有自杀倾向,对布兰查德有一系列强硬的权利。外面的战斗由科迪控制。芝加哥为科迪而火热。科迪把动作转移到拳击台,他们又出去了。 Poweslam by Cody on the outside and Spears begs off. Blanchard grabs Cody and Spears hits a low blow. Earl Hebner missed this as MJF was arguing something with him.

回到拳击台,斯皮尔斯控制着比赛,但偏爱他的背部。他们交换印章。科迪在上面的锁扣上放了一只蛙。斯皮尔斯从车里出来,把科迪拖到一棵悲伤的树上。用一脚踢到倒立踢。长矛在角落里以原子的方式落下。回到拳击台,小甜甜拿着一根大晾衣绳和踢腿。斯皮尔斯正在对抗MJF。Chop把Cody送到了外面。科迪溜回来,挥出了达斯汀的上勾拳。 MJF again causes an “accidental” distraction, allowing Spears and Blanchard to get the advantage. Spears gets the weight belt. Spears and Hebner with a back and forth. Spears gets Blanchards belt and throws some whips on Cody. Cody is firing up and hits punches followe dby a cutter off the 2nd rope. Cody with an Alabama slam. Cody with a Figure-4, immediately reversed by Spears. Blanchard assists the leverage for Spears. Cody to the outside. MJF tries to put himself between Cody and Spears. Spears with a running death valley driver on Cody. Blanchard is telling Spears to get back in the ring. MJF is loudly encouraging Cody and Cody gets back in the ring at 9.

斯皮尔斯试了一辆GTS,但科迪用了一辆Cross Rhodes。塔利分散了赫伯纳的注意力。塔利用带子把拳头绑起来,他和MJF面对面。MJF和Tully互相掐死对方,斯皮尔斯在MJF身上打了一个跑步靴。塔利攻击了MJF, ARN ANDERSON不知从哪里冒出,打了拳击台,用脊椎克星钉住了斯皮尔斯。芝加哥很兴奋!布兰查德跟着安德森走到后面。小甜甜拿起一把椅子。科迪用一个奇怪的表情阻止了他。科迪用椅子威胁斯皮尔斯,但却把椅子扔了出去,斯皮尔斯接住了椅子。 Cody with a disaster kick into another Cross Rhodes for the pin on Spears.




Lucha兄弟(Pentagon Jr & Rey Fenix) vs年轻的雄鹿(Matt & Nick Jackson)-梯子比赛的AAA Tag Team Championship

我将尽力描述这一点。我们的开场是一场俯视比赛,然后每支队伍轮流进行侮辱。雄鹿队唾弃了路查兄弟我们就用拳头来来回回地跑。雄鹿队早些时候进攻梅尔泽,但被拦截了。五角大楼的顶部变成了一个落脚在马特·杰克逊的睾丸。雄鹿队有梯子占上风。雄鹿用一记铜铃炸弹踢出了尼克·杰克逊的旋转球。年轻的雄鹿摆姿势,五角大楼就把他们击倒了。菲尼克斯从跳板上跳下了雄鹿队。路查兄弟介绍了一个梯子到戒指。 Chops by Pentagon to the Bucks. Fenix tries to climb the ladder but the Bucks stop them. Jackson and Fenix trade punches on the ladder. Matt Jackson and Pentagon do the same. Both met with cutters. Matt and Fexix both with topes on their counterpart through tables.

回到拳击台,马特和五角大楼打了起来。五角大楼避开了梯子,但尼克·杰克逊从绳子上跳到了外面。在拳击场上,马特击中了三个北极光,直到他让菲尼克斯撞在梯子上。雄鹿的优势没有持续,菲尼克斯在尼克身上打了一记rana。五角大楼的健身机。路查兄弟有点迎合大众。路查兄弟把一个更大的梯子带入比赛。马特在Fenix的梯子下拿着长矛。尼克爬上梯子,被撞了下来,落在最上面的绳子上,在Fenix上完成了一个月球式飞跃。马特和五角大楼在后者的顶端。 SLING BLADE OFF THE TOP OF THE LADDER by Pentagon. Pentagon in the ring sets up the ladder but goes after Nick Jackson. Nick does a tope through the ladder onto Pentagon. Fenix, on the other hand, dives back in the ring through the ladder and hits a Canadian Destoryer on Matt Jackson. “Fight Forever”. Table in the ring, Matt fights Fenix on top but Pentagon intervenes and hits a Destroyer off the top of the ladder through a table. “This is Awesome” chant. Somehow Matt Jackson is alive. On the outside Nick hits a splash off the top of a ladder onto Pentagon and Fenix hits the same move on Matt.


获奖者:Lucha Bros(保留AAA Tag战队冠军)





佩奇正骑着马去拳击场。不错的反应。杰里科的反应稍微好一点。这群人可能已经精疲力竭了。奥布里·爱德华兹完成了这项历史性的任务。杰里科正在向人群炫耀。锁定在绳索断裂处。手臂拖着杰里科。杰里科的另一个手臂拖拽,佩奇立即回应与排骨和一个滑脱猛击。用晾衣绳呼叫杰里科。 Page follows and hits series of punches, Jericho avoids him and gets back in the ring to be met by a boot to the face. Chop by Page. Jericho punches him and hits a dropkick off the 2nd rope. Action moves outside, Page forces the action back in and hits a clothesline off the top for 2. Jericho tries a dropkick and misses and retreats to the outside. Page attemtps a running moonsault but Jericho hits a codebreaker. Jericho tries for a countout win but Page makes the apron. Jericho with a blow knocking Page into the barricade.

在擂台外,杰里科对着佩奇的手臂打了一拳。杰里科用麦克风射击,把佩奇送回了拳击台。杰里科和佩奇脚对脚,杰里科用臂章滴滴涕。杰里科继续在手臂上工作。杰里科跺了跺手臂。人群高呼“愚蠢的白痴”。佩奇用排骨反击,但杰里科用晾衣绳夺回优势。Armbar by Jericho使事情变慢。杰里科的Dropkick。决斗的口号开始了,人群正式恢复了活力。 The two exchange chops. Jericho to the top . Page rolls through and hits a fallaway slam, although he struggled mightly. Page has a second wind. Standing shooting star press by Page for 2. Page misses a dropkick. Jericho goes for a Lionsault and Page catches him and converts the attempt into a Russian Leg Sweep.

耶利哥试图进入耶利哥城墙。页面关机。讨论前臂页。耶利哥到外面,我们有一些血。杰里科看起来离前臂不远。伤口就在左眼上方。佩奇让杰里科重回拳台。角落里有跺脚声的书页。他冲过来,杰里科把他从擂台上推到停机坪上。两个人都在上面的绳子上。 Page with a cutter off the rope for 2. Page going after the cut with elbows and Aubrey Edwards is checking on this situation. Page with a suplex attempt but Jericho reverses it into a top rope drop. Jericho goes for a dropkick, Page counters with a kick and hit a buckshot lariat. Page goes for the finish but Jericho reverses it into the Walls. Page makes the ropes. Jericho and Edwards get into an argument. Jericho charges but Page backdrops him to the outside. PAge with a moonsault to the outside. He connects but bangs his knee on impact. Jericho in the ring, Page tries a buckshot but Jericho hits the Codebreaker for 2.



